I went to the other post on emergencies..no response there..anyone on?


Always Grateful
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Apr 11, 2010
I have new chicks, have had one pecking a lot on the others eyes..didn't notice until now, that the white one has two really sore eyes now. The one keeps pecking at it, as I watched, probably because the black eye stands out on the white...what do I put on the eyes, if anything?? Thanks!
Do you have any saline solution? The kind used for contact lenses. You would need something without preservatives, to rinse the eye. Seperate the chick from the others in any case. You could make your own, using seasalt. I don't know the formula off hand though.
Good lusk.
I just had this happen!! My chick had one eye completely swollen shut. Got pecked a lot as it was hatching out. I didn't put anything on the eye, I did monitor to make sure it got to food and water. This was two days ago, they have all pretty much quit doing it now thank goodness.

If it is an option maybe separate the poor little chick for a little while to let him recuperate.

Good luck! Maybe someone else will help a little more.

Edited to add: The chicks eye is completely normal now and the little guy is doing fine.
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I did separate the chicks. I finally remembered that I have some silver solution. It has worked on infected eyes in the family better than any anti-biotic. Just hadn't used it in a while, so forgot it! The chicks eye is much better today.
Thanks so much for the replies!
Do you have a red lamp. That helps them not to peck. Also put in a mirror to distract them. You said you had silver solution... did you mean saline??? I'm not familiar w/ "silver"anything unless it's use for a newborns bellybutton and that's silver nitrate ... which is NOT for eyes. I'm glad she's better today
Colloidal Silver...a liquid that is good for open sores, can put into the eyes, and can drink for immunity purpose. Don't drink too much, you can start turning blue..now does that sound familiar?
It really does do well on sores and infections..I found out about it when I fostered dogs.

Wow, a red heat lamp! Only makes since!

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