I will never be nominated for Mother of the year Award thread

Got brought up in another thread.

But when my kids as toddlers have picked up a candy bar or such item in the store and walked out with it, I catch them, then march them back into the store, up to the cashier, make them pay for the item AND apologize for stealing and to the store manager also. I then make them do the various chores than a toddler can do to make up for the $1.

Amazingly enough, it takes that ONE time at 3 to never see anything like that again.

Yup, I'm a mean, horrible parent.
One of my nephews took a piece of candy from a convient store. When we got home and found it I took him back to the store so he could pay for it and appoligize for taking it. The cashier said oh thats ok sweety.
I said no its not are you crazy. Don't tell him its ok to steal. So when he was finished paying for it with his money I made him throw it away in the trash can outside.

That cashier never said a word but her facial expression said it all. Looking at me like I was a bad parent.
Mother of the year...sigh...sadly out of reach.

I have a 7 year old AD/HD son. He is a dear boy, but highly impulsive, easily distracted, and ENERGETIC. His little sister is 4, smart, fun, and well-behaved, but still a little one. If our parenting is judged by our cherubs, well, let's just say I'm not the cream that rises to the top!

When my son was 3, it dawned on me that it was quiet. Too quiet. I went in search of DS, and found him in the bathroom with my make-up box. From his nose to his hair line he had mascara smeared in ghastly gashes and swirls. From nose to collar line, he had bright pink lipstick. It looked like a demonic war mask. Well, I looked at him, and he, holding the mascara wand, looked at me. He finally and emphatically said, "Mommy, I had to use it, so I could be pretty!" I went into the livingroom and laughed until I cried.

Just last weekend, we were having a peaceful afternoon. DS was in his room playing with his hotwheels, DH was in the kitchen making cookies, I was on the couch actually getting a nap, and DD was quietly entertaining herself. Do you notice a common theme, here? All was fine until DS came out of the room, wandered into the dining room, and screamed, "KATIE, NO!!" And there was my sweetie sitting on the floor with a pair of scissors, and in front of her was the cat and a pile of fur. Stupid, docile cat was even purring, despite the fact that he looked like a golf ball.

Never a dull moment in our house! I look forward to following this thread. I need to nurture my sense of humor. It's a darn good thing I've been teaching 20+ years...It gives me at least a little perspective.

ok, that was funny!

could have been worse... at about that age I got my 2 yrs younger sister up in the high chair and cut her long chocolate curly hair off in a bob, and half my own butt-length hair as well... apparently my mom was very proud of our long hair... ah, well.
the bigest reason I will never make mother of the year is because I don't have any kids... you see if I did, you'd have read about me on the front page of the paper, and there'd have been photos of me being perp-walked to the jail.

but I'm enjoying y'all's stories a lot!

every once in a while I see someone in a public place who's kids are manerly and well behaved - I always thank them for doing the hard and unpopular work of making that happen.

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