I wish

Granted: it's our first band practice, and L is going to be there, and he's playing bass, and I'm playing my guitar, and we'll probably have to share music, so I'll get to stand next to him, so I'm going to be in a state of hysterical ectacy.
That's what's going on Friday at 4 PM.

I wish we all didn't lose all our posts....
Granted, but it's a spam PM, like the ones casino moms in Las Vegas send you and you get 456,739 viruses.

I wish I wasn't so depressed.
Granted. You're so extremely happy that people think you've gone insane!

I wish it was Friday so I can try the effects on my brand-spankin'-new pickup.
Granted but someone lights it on fire!!!

I wish the post office would call so i can stop thinkin my chicks are lost in the mail and are going to die
granted but the second you make it, it BLOWS UP lol

i wish my NN didnt look and act and look like a lil cockerel.....

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