I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

Oh, that is a tragedy. Did you mean that the birds no longer have heads? Is that a coon thing? So sorry for your losses.
Oh my God, that is horrible. I just got chills.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find closure in putting down the beast. Did anyone NOT get hit?

There's still a chance that a few who went missing will return. I hear about that alot-the ones who escape the predator's grasp hide until they feel it is safe to return to their home. I'm sick with anger and pain right along with you.
Thank you all! Im glad I can dump here. The hubby cant figure out why I am so up set. I have my lawn chair out by my coop daily and love these birds. My stomach aches. I am mad that there are such irresponsible dog owners. I feel its a dog i really do. There were deep bites to almost all and no scratches.
Thanks. I did see prints and it rained last night hard but the dog sunk in the drt a good 3 inches so I couldnt be sure with the claws but the print was the size of a tennis ball. 1 big dog. At least the coyotes hauled them off and eat them. I am so PO'd
I am so sorry!!
I know how you feel. About 6 weeks ago, we had a large german shepherd (a stray) get into our brooder coop AND the bod coop. Killed a total of 14 birds (8 hens and 6 juveniles). We were shocked at what the dig went through to get tem. We thought for sure it was dog proof, but the dog BENT up buried chain link fencing and ripped through hardware cloth (happened to find the ONE seam along that whole fence section!). Just played with the babies and some we had to put down because they weren't gonna make it. SO SO SO sorry!!!
I would come and sit watch with you too. I am so sorry. I can only imagine the loss like this. I just hope that it tries to come back so that you can kill it.
OH NO!!!! That is terrible. I would agree that's a dog. A few years ago when my flock was wiped out, it was a (neighbor) dog (German Shorthair Pointer)...and that's what I came home to....I don't have any Coronation eggs but I might have some Light Sussex in the next few weeks...(pure Greenfire Farms stock).
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