I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

Thanks. Here we can shoot them if the are killing our livestock and the owner is responsible but we are in the sticks(woods) so no one will claim the dogs. half the loosers that do not care for their dogs will not pay for the birds they kill. I had my neighbors dogs 2 years ago kill several birds and I took pixs of the dogs taking the birds in their mouth. I called the sherif 3 times and nothing. The owner told me to shoot the dogs but I feel it is the owners fault not the dogs. I did after several trys get the sherrif to take 2 of the dogs and the 3rd had pups and started killing again until I killed the mom and rounded up the pups and dumped them at a shelter.
Yes but how is the hot wire around the top grounded? I mean if it's a 40lb dog climbing the fence--and it reaches the top, it wouldn't get shocked, right? It would have to be a HUGE dog with it's back feet on the ground and it's front paws touching the electric wire...

You can ground the top wire and it will be hot...ie the animal will NOT have to have it's feet touching the ground to get a shock. I have a bottom hot wire and a top one connected and grounded.​
Well they are all spralled out in 1 spot like the picturs. I am waiting. My kids want blankets and popcorn. I think I will sell tickets to my neighbors. LOL. I have to laugh at this point or I will cry. Just venting helps so much! Thanks
I have been here/done that. We have had this exact thing happen. We left the carcasses in a pile to attrack the next night, whatever it was from the previous night. Well, it was a PACK of huskies. There were 5. Hubby killed 4 with 1 shot of a shot gun. It was awful.

I am sooo sorry for your heartache. This is a very hard thing to happen. My heart goes out to you.
5 feet is not tall enough IMO to help make the distinction between cat and dog in this. Many big dogs can do a five foot fence in a leap however dogs in general would rather go under or through, cats over. A domestic dog has less incentive to leave however and can be caught still there often playing or resting. Cats are not comfortable and leave.

Bobcats and especially Lynx have very large paw prints for the size of cat since they are adapted to walk on snow. Dog prints have claw marks and are in straight lines generally across areas, cats don't have claw marks and wander around things, sticking to edges more than boldly crossing an open area.

If you can borrow a hunter or trapper's camera, or get a motion activated security camera cheep I would, you can't stay up all night always and you have no idea when it will be back. If you have power in the coop and a wireless internet connection close enough there are cameras that will load pictures to your computer too.

ETA hot wires do not work on top unless you have a ground wire next to it. Connect that to the unit's ground.

Hubby can't figure out WHAT!!!! Sheesh. Men.

I hope you get whatever did it. Maybe once you do, you can figure out who it belonged to.
lol, I know. He thinks im a baby. Well he aint seen a ticked off farm girl yet but he may when I get my mitts on the critter.

Hubby can't figure out WHAT!!!! Sheesh. Men.

I hope you get whatever did it. Maybe once you do, you can figure out who it belonged to.
Please please let us know what happens

I am sure a bunch of people are checking this thread to see the outcome
OMG and here I am worried about a flock that is ill...this is way more traumatic and horrifying !!!!!!!!!!!!!
You poor souls !
My heart breaks for your loss and dreams !
I also want to say that we have a wildlife camera you are welcome to use, I do not know your location but if you are close maybe we can teach you how to use it.
It shows the pics on the computer...I also believe strongly that dogs leave claw marks...cats do not.
We have 2 or 3 bobcats here, and they never have bothered our birds with our barb wire like stallag fencing...and they do not leave claw points on their tracks !
PM me if you want to borrow a wild cam.

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