I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

That sounds about right, no one ever would admit their dog was responsible, even if you had photos. The time it happened to me the neighbor insisted it was impossible, then figured the dog was probably chasing a fox that was the real culprit. Sometime later he had an epiphany and offered to pay for the chickens. Not the lost eggs mind you, but just the birds.
I'm so sorry for your loss! It does look like a dog did it to me.

I love German shepherds, too, which makes me doubly sad.
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It's hard to not get angry when you lose livestock. When you do something to protect them you are villified as the badperson for hurting a dog. It is a no win situation. Cable snares used to work well for me at the edges of coops. It would catch any dogs that came around the coop as they usally started out walking around the coop. When they got caught Id call the owner to come get them so they knew their dog was messing with my livestock. Snares are illegal to use in Washington now for fur trapping. Dogs and coyotes will not go into a cage trap usually.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Its something we all fear for our birds.

A friend of mine lost part of her flock to a neighbor's dog, but she couldn't bear to shoot the dog. So mutual friends loaned her a paint ball gun and instead, she "painted" the dog. Which not only scared the ever living daylights out of the dog (those paint pellets do HURT), but let the owner know their dog was irritating a neighbor. Apparently, the paint was warning enough that next time it would be a shotgun.

I can bring you a gorgeous Buff Cochin hen, come the swap, if you'd like. We can't replace your birds, but we can help you rebuild.
I'm so sorry for the attack on your chickens. I wish I had some great breeding stock or eggs to offer, but nothing I have is that special. Just hatchery stuff.

Newbie Question here: What exactly are Coronation eggs? I tried a Google search and all I came up with were the jeweled eggs used by royality. I have this picture in my head of a chicken laying a Faberge egg and thinking...WOW...That would be cool! Maybe then I could pay for the coop!
Thanks but I think im fine. All our chickens are special even my mixed mutts. Coronation sussex. A beautiful bird. I had several light sussex and the new breed of coronation sussex. Google it and add the sussex.
AllCoop'dUp :

I'm so sorry for the attack on your chickens. I wish I had some great breeding stock or eggs to offer, but nothing I have is that special. Just hatchery stuff.

Newbie Question here: What exactly are Coronation eggs? I tried a Google search and all I came up with were the jeweled eggs used by royality. I have this picture in my head of a chicken laying a Faberge egg and thinking...WOW...That would be cool! Maybe then I could pay for the coop!​
AllCoop'dUp :

I'm so sorry for the attack on your chickens. I wish I had some great breeding stock or eggs to offer, but nothing I have is that special. Just hatchery stuff.

Newbie Question here: What exactly are Coronation eggs? I tried a Google search and all I came up with were the jeweled eggs used by royality. I have this picture in my head of a chicken laying a Faberge egg and thinking...WOW...That would be cool! Maybe then I could pay for the coop!

I believe she is talking about Coronation Sussex chickens. Very pretty and not easy to come by from what I have read. It would be nice if they could lay Faberge eggs though.

OP so sorry to hear about your losses and so sorry that the dog owner wouldn't own up to the responsibility. I hope your new fence keeps everything out! If I had any of the breeds you were looking for, I would offer them up!
yes the coronations are pricy> my last ones I paid for eggs. $325.00 and just had a few hatch. I was lucky cuz I had my buff laced brahmas and lavendar orps in a seperate area. hubby is cussin me..LOL, he is out raising the fence now. Yippie!I told him I want him to take the tractor and dig a ditch around it and have the creek run off go in it so I have a mote. He wont! booooo.
I'm so sorry for the attack on your chickens. I wish I had some great breeding stock or eggs to offer, but nothing I have is that special. Just hatchery stuff.

Newbie Question here: What exactly are Coronation eggs? I tried a Google search and all I came up with were the jeweled eggs used by royality. I have this picture in my head of a chicken laying a Faberge egg and thinking...WOW...That would be cool! Maybe then I could pay for the coop!

I believe she is talking about Coronation Sussex chickens. Very pretty and not easy to come by from what I have read. It would be nice if they could lay Faberge eggs though.

OP so sorry to hear about your losses and so sorry that the dog owner wouldn't own up to the responsibility. I hope your new fence keeps everything out! If I had any of the breeds you were looking for, I would offer them up!
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That sounds about right, no one ever would admit their dog was responsible, even if you had photos. The time it happened to me the neighbor insisted it was impossible, then figured the dog was probably chasing a fox that was the real culprit. Sometime later he had an epiphany and offered to pay for the chickens. Not the lost eggs mind you, but just the birds.

That means they won't come looking for it and can’t ask for restitution if someone off’s it. They already admitted it wasn’t there’s.
oh wow... I would be so devastated also. That's terrible
I have eggs also, but can't guarantee any purebreed chicks at all since I have such a mixed flock. I would definitely send you eggs if you wanted, though. I'm nearby.

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