I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

wow, you got it all! Thanks for the offer but folks here have been so awesome. I think I am getting the birds I was after from someone. They offered them also along with several other offers. This place kicks butt!
Oh wow. My heart goes out to you. I know what kind of work it takes to get birds like that, not to mention the affection and attention you show to them. Hopefully, the next picture you post will be a DEAD PREDATOR!!
I hate it for you it's just horrible to see all your hard work and all your beautiful birds destroyed. I'm so sorry...I didn't have anything like your birds but I had just built my flock up with really sweet ordinary chickens I would go out everyday and call them up to eat cooked plain ramen noodles they were so much fun to watch until we came home from working one evening to find that MY DOGS had escaped and killed every bird I had. I was sick and cried for weeks. I can only imagine what it was like for you losing such an amazing flock of birds....again I'm so sorry for your loss
I'm so sorry!....I couldn't imagine having to wake up to that. I hope you take care of the sob that did that. Good luck rebuilding. I wish I could help.
If I still lived in Oregon I would bring my rifle and sit with you. Good luck catching and killing the culprit. My vote is for a dog.
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It was a shock. I went out in the dark at 5am to feed and had only 45 minutes to feed when I noticed clumps all over my pasture and I hit my spot light and just about died. My pasture had at least 17 birds dead and then I walked in my chicken building and in 2 of the penned runs that lead out side were dead birds. My light went dead so I went in the house for another one to see what was alive in the pasture. I found 3 live birds and had only 10 minutes before I had to leave for work. I did what I could do in the dark and went to work knowing I had to go home and see the dammage. I know I had some momma hens and babies still unaccounted for and I wanted to look for them.I called my hubby and told him to look for live birds but leave everything so I could see what was dead and still missing. When I got home I had lost more from shock but I did find 1 mom and the babies. I found so many dead though. I looked for prints and it had rained all night and most of the day so no good prints. It stunk but then I thought how lucky I was to have half still alive and safe.
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