I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

What a sad sight. It must be devastating to see all your hard work gone! I am truly sorry for your loss.
I hope you annihilate the culprit when you find it!
I'm so sorry.
I'm sure the feeling in the pit of your stomache is sadness and wanting to "get" what hurt your chicks. My daughter just lost 2 of her 3 hens last night, they were only 10 months old. She's 12 and is heartbroken. We think it was a coon. The area has wire and is fenced on all 4 sides. When we got home that night the hinged door( where we get out the eggs) was open. One hen was dragged out and chewed on and the others neck was broken.

The remaining hen is sweet. I just don't know if we should replace them with hens the same age (10 months) or smaller chicks maybe Cleo could raise them or would she hurt them? My daughter is concered that Cleo will be lonely.

My daughter has had horrible luck with the chick rearring process. I got her 3 chicks for Christmas. After 5 weeks it became apparent that 1 chick had a cross-beak that was getting worse and the other chick had splade legs and they had to be culled. (sorry for the spelling errors) The breeder replaced them for the 2 that were just killed last night(they were chicks at the time) Now my girl is down to the one remaining chick again that has survived 1 attack AND physical deformaties.

Thanks for listening, I'm still reelling from the nights events and can't sleep, that's why I'm been up since 3am.
its a dog--- i once had a dog kill my whole flock(40 birds). they kill all in sight then eat a few till there full and play with the others. the dog was my fathers favorite dog and i harassed it so much it ran away. so i'll just say that whole will never leave your heart till u kill the dog and get some more chicks back. i feel so sorry for u.
Im so sorry. Im an adult and it hurts but I know when my kids have lost a loved chicken it is so hard for them to deal with. My son didnt want any replacements when he lost a few of his pet seramas last year. My heart breaks for her. We still have not been hit again by the beast but I am sure if it was the dog. Word might have gotten to the owner to keep the dog in or its dead? Good luck!
That is so terrible! I had the same thing happen one year. My boys and I left to go get groceries for Thanksgiving, and the birds----about 20 chickens and 2 beautiful ducks---were all out free-ranging. We came back an hour or so later to find all but 2 of the birds laying all over the yard dead! The 2 that survived were a one-legged buff orpington hen and a young grey silkie roo who both had the sense to go up on the porch and sit as still as statues----I think that was the only way the hen knew to protect herself, and the roo just followed her. We found out later that it was a neighbor's dingo that had killed them-----their invisible fence had shorted out. They wanted to go get me replacement chickens from an Amish farmer they knew! Hubby said, "You don't understand, these are special breeds that she picked out from someone she knows, and we just want the money to go and pick out our own replacements." At first, they resisted, but the girl's father must have told them they could get sued over it, and they paid. Hope you find out what dog did this, and hopefully the owner---if there is one----will reimburse you. I am so sorry this happened to you, it sounds like you had gone to a LOT of trouble to get just the breeds you wanted. Wish I could do something to help.
I understand the pain! So many idiots say its just a chicken! They would die if I said its jaut a kid. Never can be replaced. All the money in the world would not fix it. I bet it took a while to build your stock back up. I cant believe the out pour here and all the offers to help. This is almost better that family!
So sorry for your loss.

We had a dog attack and kill one night as well. I was setting the trap every night only to wake up and find that I hadn't caught it....Finally, on the 10th night of setting the trap, it came back and we finally caught it.

So don't give up....even if it seems you may not catch it, you will.......whatever it is, it'll be back!

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