I would like to swap eggs for barred rock and cornish eggs.

You bet.

Napoleon the roo.

With some of the girls

I have 10 laying hens and 1 that has shaken since I got her. She has never layed and I don't think she ever will, but we like her. We named her shakey, because we are just that creative.
They all came with Pullorum/Typhoid certs and we raised them since they were day olds. I don't mix chickens and I am being NPIP certified (Lord willing) in a couple of weeks.
I generally write down how many eggs we get every day and for the last week it has been 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 8, 9, 10, 10 up till yesterday. This is pretty typical.

Edited to add the word generally.
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