Icncubation Help Please


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 12, 2015
Okay so my first hatching was a flop I think. I started out with 12 barred rock red rock eggs. On day nine we candeled them, all but two were fertile. Candled on day 18 before we closed everything up and there was movement in all of them. On day18 I raised humidity to 65 to 70% I only ended up with two hatching one of which we had to euthanize because it had a slipped tendon and one rotated femur on the other leg. Days 1 to 18 we kept at a temperature of 99° and between 50 and 55% humidity
they are in a forced air incubator with an automatic rocker. This time I have acquired eggs from a barred rock rooster and a white splash rooster from barred rock hens, americana hens and Isa brown hens.
36 of them are going into the incubator in the morning.
to help improve my percentage of hatching what would people recommend I try differently this time? There are so many different opinions and so many different variables I'm finding it overwhelming to troubleshoot when this is only my second time.
I opened a few of the eggs that would be on day 28. Yes I candled them first. The chick was ready, yolk gone, but died. Bad genes???
This round that I'm starting tonight I'm going to keep humidity around 40%-50% until day 18 and raise my temp to 100 degrees. Any other thoughts?
One successful chick out of twelve is very discouraging for a first time :(
This is the new member introductions forum so is the wrong place to post this thread, I am painfully inexperienced about hatching but there are a lot of experienced hatchers,
First off you should repost this thread in the egg hatching forum here :
And to see what you were doing wrong there is a great hatching guide on this thread by Sally :) :
I hope you soon hatch some healthy happy chicks!
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We're glad you joined us!

I'm sorry about the poor hatch. I'm not sure what went wrong, but I would be sure to post in the Incubation section of the forums, which XxMinggirlxX provided a link to. Hopefully, members there can help!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sorry about the poor hatch. So many variables here as to why you may have incubation issues. I hope you can get this figured out for your next hatch!!

Welcome to our flock!

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