ID of some TSC chicks

Yep they are suppose to have spots and when they get older they will be white with a few black specks. The reason I chose Austra whites, is that because they say they are more docile then a Leghorn, I hate leghorns because of how flighty they can be.

Here's a video about them
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The California White Chicken is a cross between our best White Leghorn hen with a California Grey Rooster. Adults are covered with white feathers with flecks of black. They grow fast and lay lots of big white eggs. They are a hardy chicken and will surpass the White Leghorn in laying ability and long longevity.

Our Austra Whites are a cross between our Black Australorp rooster and our White Leghorn hens. They were first developed in the early 1900's by Dunlap Hatchery. This cross produces offspring that are very good layers throughout the year and lay a large off white egg. The Austra White pullet will be white with little black specks in some feathers. A heavier and calm breed.

Both are sold at Cackle hatchery.
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Any bird mixed with white leghorn will be white with spots as leghorns are dominant white.

Mt Healthy is where many TSC get their chicks, and their speckled chicks are Tetra Tints or Amberlinks, so that is very likely what you have. Amberlinks will be white with reddish leakage and tetra tints will be white with darker leakage. I don't believe they reveal their mixes on the website.
they are sposed to have spots

I realize that they are supposed to. But we have had them twice from two different hatcheries and never had a single black spot on any of the feathers. Makes it tricky. I guess it is possible that we were sent the wrong chicks, twice, but seems unlikely. Plus I can tell them from our Leghorns because they have slightly smaller combs and their faces are a pinker shade of red. Otherwise they look exactly alike and act about the same.
I realize that they are supposed to. But we have had them twice from two different hatcheries and never had a single black spot on any of the feathers. Makes it tricky. I guess it is possible that we were sent the wrong chicks, twice, but seems unlikely. Plus I can tell them from our Leghorns because they have slightly smaller combs and their faces are a pinker shade of red. Otherwise they look exactly alike and act about the same.

I also have a California White from the local feed store (chicks from Welp/Privett) and mine doesn't have any black spots either.

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