Ideal Hatch 5 weeks All Dead


12 Years
Jul 17, 2007
Central Virginia
We received a hatch back on Sept 19th of
of mixed pullet Brahmas from Ideal which were not what we ordered! Their site said we would be receiving 3 types (Light Brahmas, Buff Brahmas, Dark Brahmas) we only received two types. We did not even receive a call asking us if this was acceptable. We lost thee chicks in the first week 2 of which we thought was due to weakness.The third died from a deformity where it had a neck problem, where it kept having its head constantly turned backwards and stuck in that position.

They have all seemed to be happy and healthy even yesterday until last night. We found 5 of them pooping blood - that was the constancy of jello if that makes sense. I raced down to the local TSC after talking with SpeckledHen about causes and cures... came straight home and medicated all of them with Corid. They were dead within no time at all... Today they started dropping like flies... all of them dead by the time I got home this evening...

The only symptom is BLOODY POO!!!! Does anyone have any ideas of what this is? What would kill all them in this quick of time.????
It does sound like cocci and with blood already so visible, it was probably too late already and the damage done.

Are you sure you used the correct dose of meds as well?

I'm sorry you lost them all. So sad.

I agree, sounds like cocci. At that age the blood usually means that it is to far gone to cure, according to all the info I have read.

I am so sorry your chicks died- very sad for you. Are you going to call the company and talk to them about your order?

The other chick you mentioned with the crooked neck sounds like a vitamin deficiency- from what I have read, though of course it could be so many things.
I told Tes that with that age chick, I'd immediately think cocci. Second guess with bloody poop would be worms, however, the blood she described sounded like real hemmoraging and the suddenness of this didn't sound like cocci to me. It sounded more like what rat poison does to rats. They are fine, not sick-acting like you would expect, no hunched necks and ruffled feathers, then the next day they poop bright blood, then the next day, they're all dead. That didn't sound like cocci exactly. If so, it's a really virulent strain to act that suddenly. They were bleeding like that before she got them on meds, so it wasnt the wrong dosage. (if Sulmet, I would say yes, but she just put them on Corid last night)
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Cyn said it all for me... she was my first phone call when we found the blood and has been working with me for the past 24 hours... there were no sighns at all... we are very protective when it comes to our babies... so needless to say, they get checked on several times a day...

Yes, I believe we used the correct dose... followed exactly what Cyn told us... shes awesome... thanks Cyn!!!

The one with the crooked neck... that is what we thought too... and yes gave it vitamins...

Thank you all for your sorrow... i do appreciate it... i am so heart broken right now...

Yes, I did contact Ideal, I sent them an email tonight... I will let you all know what they say...

Cyn, good points. The OP didn't mention the chicks had access to rat poison. If that is the case, that is a possibility. I assumed most people keep their chicks confined to a brooder or enclosed coop.

I have seen cases of cocci as the OP described tho and if it was cocci, it was advanced stages, which means they contracted it shortly after arrival. Not all chicks show the classic symptoms as we would expect and severe bloody diarhea (hemorrage of the intestinal walls) is catastrophic in most cases, especially on such small fragile bodies.

Jody, we are not certain they did have access to poison, however, there is a certain neighbor problem, shall we say, and the symptoms just seemed odd for cocci. Still, it could be cocci anyway; as you pointed out, sometimes they just dont present in textbook symptoms. It has to be awful to see that, either way.
What kind of horrible neighbor would poison baby chicks? That would be so heartbreaking. I guess there's no way to know for sure, unless you necropsy one.

I'm so sorry they all died.
What about the chicken feed? I wouldn't be ONE bit surprised if rat poison COULD have been present in the feed. God knows nobody is safe eating processed food, even little chicks. I would be calling the feed store and just see if they have had any similar complaints.

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