I bought 4 blue quail d'Anver, along with a variety of 47 straight run bantam chicks (got about 50% of each sex) from Ideal Poultry, a Salmon Farerole that isn't bearded and has almost no feathers on legs/feet, and 7 Brabanter sexed pullets (out of those 3 turned out to be cockerels). Almost all the Silkies I got are cockerels, 2 with single comb, and 1 of the few females got a crossed beak. Of the 4 blue quail d'Anver chicks, 2 died in shipping, of the 2 survivors 1 is a single comb male that I thought was an Easter Egger until he was 2 months old, and the pullet is much lighter in color, looks more like a buff, very similar to my buff Sebright pullet.

Here's my single comb blue quail d'Anver cockerel as he looked a few weeks ago. I'm giving him away for free, along with other bantam cockerels, including 3 buff Sebright and 3 blue laced red Wyandotte bantams, since no one wants to buy them. He didn't grow much of a beard, but he does have the slate legs.

Btw Ideal Poultry has sold self blue d'Uccles for years (maybe they didn't have them listed when you bought them but put them back on now). I remember having a very friendly one that was the only one that liked to perch on my shoulder in 2007.

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