Ideal Poultry order process?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
It's a bit...difficult to contact Ideal from work, and their hours vs my schedule don't help.

Placed an order a couple weeks back, original ship date was to be may 31st.... they called back a couple hours
later and asked if I could/would be ok with a May 7th ship date... sure.

Last week I received another call asking if I would be open to them shipping May 5th... sure, no problem.

...I haven't heard/received anything in regards to the chicks shipping and noted that my account hadn't been charged
for the purchase/chicks.

Tried to search, noted one or two people mentioning not having received a ship notice...was curious if there might be others
that received a shipment w/o notice and/or a post-ship charge for their purchase etc?
I got my chicks from IDEAL on May 1. I'm very happy with IDEAL and they did email us.
I'd try to call them. Our chicks were shipped on April 29.
Finally rec. my order from Ideal today, (5/6). They all seem to be healthy and happy. Rec. 15 chicks in all. 6 Rhd. Island Reds pullets, 4 Australorp pullets, and some yellows that Ideal added for, "shipping peanuts". The, "shipping peanuts" was Ideal's way to help fill the box and to add to the chicks warmth....and they wanted to get rid of some males. I'm thinking the yellows are Golden Sex Links???
That is okay, on the extras....just a way to add some young fryers for the freezer.....I was guessing about 14 weeks to butcher roosters. Is this correct? I have chicks in a smaller box with paper towels, (95 degree temp) for the first week, then I will let them in the bigger box with shavings and decrease temp. every week by 5 degrees. Does this sound right? They all looked healthy, but a little stressed because they were a little noisy at first, but after a couple of hours, after they all ate/drank....they are starting to take naps and getting quiet.
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How old is your Australorp now? Just wondering how they are going to look when they feather out.
What others do you have? Wondering too what their temperament is....mine seem to be docile so far.
My Australorp is 9 days old and is one of the docile ones.

Her name is Sweetie Tweedie but I call her Sweetie for short.

I got a Black sex link, Brown sex link and a Silkie.
I'm also raising 4 extra male chicks.
Awww....she's cute. :) Heck, there all cute....when they are little. lol

I am enjoying mine so far. The Rhd. Island Reds, and Australorp's all seem to be dosile....but the extra's that Ideal added in....the cockerel's....for, "packing peanuts"...I think are Golden Sex Links??....they seem to be more aggressive. Maybe because of the breed or that they are males?? Not sure, but I can see a difference with the pullets.
Anyway, all good so far....3 days old and no mishaps. :)
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My extra males are very friendly. One especially and I named him Cheese.
I'm not sure what breed my extras are.......their yellow....I think they are maybe gold sex links, rhode island reds or new hampshire reds.
It's hard to tell. But it's hilarious when they try to dominate each other.
Not sure if you got Reds....they usually start out a def. rusty color, not yellow. Could be New Hamp's??? Time will tell.
Deleware's start out yellow too....who knows?? :) Just have fun with them. :)

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