Ideas for a small backyard


5 Years
Jun 2, 2014
I came across this blog post by a lady that keeps a pretty robust "suburban homestead" in a small suburban backyard. There's the edge of what looks like a large coop in one picture and then she came up with a clever idea for a chicken run that doesn't take up a big foot print in space usable for other purposes. For the blog post, her chickens seem to like it.

The Chicken Chunnel
That's a great idea! You could use the Chunnel to get your flock to another area of the yard that is enclosed (if needed). I like the idea of the weed control on the outside margins of the raised beds.
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It is neat but a word of caution, something like this should only be used is inside an otherwise protected area, that wire fencing they made the tunnel out of is not strong at all it is 2x4 inch welded wire that comes in rolls. A dog can easily tear this stuff apart or crush it down on the birds. I used that wire for homemade dog kennels before and I had beagles chew right through it more than once
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That's a great idea! You could use the Chunnel to get your flock to another area of the yard that is enclosed (if needed). I like the idea of the weed control on the outside margins of the raised beds.

That's my plan. I don't use my side yard at all, but it's too close to the neighbor's house for me to legally put my coop there (otherwise, I so would have!). But a chunnel to the side yard and a wire "roof" and BAM they have a HUGE yard.
a chicken tractor could be helpful too maybe. good because you can move them around and they can eat a lot of grass while not overeating it.

lots of awesome designs here to find one that fits your property well

here is one i made for ours during the day to put a few to graze in. please excuse my fat sheep pigging out on the right lol.
obviously would need some improvements to work at night. this is for fresh grass while not requiring supervision in case of hawks.

re is one i made for ours during the day to put a few to graze in. please excuse my fat sheep pigging out on the right lol.
obviously would need some improvements to work at night. this is for fresh grass while not requiring supervision in case of hawks.

LOL I love the sheep. This is a tractor style I haven't seen before. More just like a "playpen" to move around the yard. I think this would work well for us. (I don't have the suburban yard situation like the blog I posted, just thought it's clever for those that can use it) We have an open area of yard and see eagles and hawks all summer. Makes me nervous. The other side of the house has large oak trees that make more a protected canopy over the yard. But the big, open sunny area is really where the foraging fun is. I think something like you made might work, or a PVC hoop tractor. Does yours have wheels? What sort of wood or materials did you use to keep it lightweight?
It is neat but a word of caution, something like this should only be used is inside an otherwise protected area, that wire fencing they made the tunnel out of is not strong at all it is 2x4 inch welded wire that comes in rolls. A dog can easily tear this stuff apart or crush it down on the birds. I used that wire for homemade dog kennels before and I had beagles chew right through it more than once
Very good point. I'd say anyone that is doing this other than her situation it'd be good to consider a frame for the chunnel, and hardware cloth, maybe even reinforced on each side with the frame.
LOL I love the sheep. This is a tractor style I haven't seen before. More just like a "playpen" to move around the yard. I think this would work well for us. (I don't have the suburban yard situation like the blog I posted, just thought it's clever for those that can use it) We have an open area of yard and see eagles and hawks all summer. Makes me nervous. The other side of the house has large oak trees that make more a protected canopy over the yard. But the big, open sunny area is really where the foraging fun is. I think something like you made might work, or a PVC hoop tractor. Does yours have wheels? What sort of wood or materials did you use to keep it lightweight?

Its made of OSB so its heavy enough for a fox not to flip it over but light enough to be moved. It has wheels off the back that it can be tilted back onto and pushed/ pulled with a metal handle.

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