Ideas for homemade heated waterers


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 7, 2012
So I only have two chickens at the moment and need some ideas. I live in Colorado, and it gets collllddddd. Their water is always frozen and I'm constantly having to change it so they can get some. I know they sell the big three gallon heated waterers, but I only have two birds and that thing wouldn't even fit in their coop. So I was wondering if anyone has taken on the challenge of creating their own heated waterers. I had thought about those tank heaters they have for fish tanks, but it doesn't seem quite right. Any other ideas??
This MIGHT be a solution for you
What some people do, is they make a square of bricks on the floor, put a light bulb in the center, and then set the water on top of the bricks. The heat from the light under the water keeps it from freezing. And the bricks keep the heat in as well as hold up the water bowl.
What some people do, is they make a square of bricks on the floor, put a light bulb in the center, and then set the water on top of the bricks. The heat from the light under the water keeps it from freezing. And the bricks keep the heat in as well as hold up the water bowl.

The only problem i see with that is if they are like my flock when the bucket gets close to empty they tend to knock if off the bricks. I have mine sitting on bricks already because it keeps it of the floor and they like to throw hay dirt into the water. And you have to make sure what ever bedding your using cant get kicked in between bricks and lay again bulb. So this idea wouldnt work for me to much of fire hazard. Just my opinion on this. Could work for others tho depends i guess on your setup.
look up the "cookie tin " Water heaters in the forums.
These are neat little homemade water heaters that are " cheep" to make as well as being safe.
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So I only have two chickens at the moment and need some ideas. I live in Colorado, and it gets collllddddd. Their water is always frozen and I'm constantly having to change it so they can get some. I know they sell the big three gallon heated waterers, but I only have two birds and that thing wouldn't even fit in their coop. So I was wondering if anyone has taken on the challenge of creating their own heated waterers. I had thought about those tank heaters they have for fish tanks, but it doesn't seem quite right. Any other ideas??
I talked to a noted veteran poultryman in England some years ago. He said they put a bit of glycerine on top the water. It floats on the surface and keeps the water from freezing.
Buy cheap at the pharmacy.
karen in frigid western PA, USA
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so those do work?? I read the label on them and it said it needed to be used with glass and if the water runs out and the heater isn't submerged it will break it
Aquarium heaters will burn out if the water level falls below it's "minimum".

What I did to get around that, was take one of those novelty shot glasses, they hold like 6-1oz shots, and usually say something clever as you fill up to each line. Same diameter as a regular shot glass, just about 6-8 inches tall. Put the aquarium heater in the shot glass, and place the shotglass in the water dish. Obviously need to secure the heater/shotglass so it can't be tipped.

Another, easier solution, is heat tape! This stuff works wonders, just wrap around whatever needs warming and plug it in. Set it on a cheap timer to be on 15 min off 30 or whatever keeps the water a liquid. As a lil bonus, you can take the excess "tape" and wrap under the coop, for just a lil extra heat for the birds! It won't be enough to heat the coop to a huge degree, but it could just be enough to take the bite outta the coldness.

Heat tape is relatively cheap too, and expandable, as you can just run more tape, heat multiple water dishes, etc. You never know when chicken math will strike and you need more equiptment to house more birds.
I made and use homemade cookie tin heaters under my waterers. I bought 2 used cookie tins at Goodwill for $0.50 and wired and installed a light bulb socket in each one ~$2.50. Put the lid on and sit you waterer on top of the cookie tin. I have a 5 gallon metal wterer on one of mine and it is always liquid.

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