Ideas needed!!! Hawk problem!


9 Years
Jun 22, 2014
Southwest Virginia
Ok so less than an hour ago a hawk grabbed one of my new Barred Rock pullets that I got just this past Tuesday. I only flew about 30 feet away to eat her. My sister went outside and couldn't find her and I looked in the weeds in our backyard and there was a hawk. I ran up thinking she had some hope but the hawk had eaten her entire head. I didn't think in a million years this would happen. We've never seen a hawk around here so it's quite a shock to me. I am SO angry right now and I was wandering if somebody could give me an idea about putting something to cover the area they have to run around in. We have some ideas but it's going to be a bit expensive. We want to keep the space they have but we'd have to make it smaller to do our idea. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!
There is netting that comes in large sizes for pheasant aviaries. Netting is usually sufficient to keep hawks out. You can use poles to support it across the span.

A good rooster with each flock has kept hawks from taking any of my hens.

When one thinks they don't have predators looking for a free chicken dinner, they need to think again. Hawks, raccoons, opossums, foxes, coyotes, weasels, dogs and feral cats are virtually everywhere.
I've once read that tying old CDs to the top of your fence and allowing them the move in the wind. When this happens, light is reflected off the mirrored side and often scares hawks and other birds of prey away. I do not know how effective this is, but its a cheap experiment and has a low labor demand.
And I'm sorry to hear about your bird. :( Hopefuly it won't happen again.
At first I thought a cat might have done it because there was one in my neighbors yard about 2 weeks ago. We were thinking something along the lines of what you suggested. We don't know exactly how to do it. It'll take a lot of work because the area they have is in between two small buildings and it's on a hill. The building the chicken's coops are in is taller than the other building. Do you know where I could get that netting?
At first I thought a cat might have done it because there was one in my neighbors yard about 2 weeks ago. We were thinking something along the lines of what you suggested. We don't know exactly how to do it. It'll take a lot of work because the area they have is in between two small buildings and it's on a hill. The building the chicken's coops are in is taller than the other building. Do you know where I could get that netting?

I could look it up and see how effective it is if at all. My sister is more upset than I am but we're both sad and sooo angry. She's ready to kill it if it comes back. So am I. I hope it doesn't happen again. The rest aren't coming out the coop until we have a solution. I'm going to be overprotective now lol. Thanks for the idea!
I have a Silkie cockerel that is only 1 1/2 months old and he was keeping my bigger chicken, the one as my account picture, from pecking this particular girl. He did a pretty good job but he was helpless against the hawk. I think the one as my picture is a rooster because he's picking a lot of fights but he hasn't looked out for any of them yet. He's almost 4 months old. I was thinking this weekend about getting a good rooster but if my Frizzle is a rooster than I don't need another one. I'd like for him to watch out for them but it's not happening yet :/
I have a Silkie cockerel that is only 1 1/2 months old and he was keeping my bigger chicken, the one as my account picture, from pecking this particular girl. He did a pretty good job but he was helpless against the hawk. I think the one as my picture is a rooster because he's picking a lot of fights but he hasn't looked out for any of them yet. He's almost 4 months old. I was thinking this weekend about getting a good rooster but if my Frizzle is a rooster than I don't need another one. I'd like for him to watch out for them but it's not happening yet :/

I agree, not just any rooster will do the job. Certainly not a silkie or any of the hooded birds like polish and houdan. I wouldn't expect any bantam to do the job either.

I recommend a large Mediterranean breed or Cubalaya or Fayoumi. It needs to be a cock from a very skittish breed. They're skittish because they're always on the lookout for predators and don't trust any movement.
My breed/variety of choice is Black Penedesenca. They're the largest variety. I'm guessing Minorcas and Catalanas would work too.

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