Ideas on gender?


Feb 17, 2023
New Zealand

I have some bantam chicks who are roughly 4/5 weeks old.

I have been studying them and feeling fairly confident about my theories about their sex, until I noticed one of the ones I thought was a hen seems to have extra toes at the back which I guess might be a spur???

I've numbered them as best I can.

this one started off the same yellow colouring as the other ones then grew much bigger and turned red. It has a bigger comb than the ones I think are hens and also has an attitude. I think this one is a rooster.


This guy is not the most handsome but is also much bigger than the others and has more of a comb. I've been working on the theory that he is a rooster also.


This one is the same colouring as two others who I think are hens, doesn't have much if a comb but I thought it had an extra toe or something at the back (?? Spur) which made me wonder if I've got it all wrong and that it's a rooster.


This guy I think is a roo based on it having a comb and trying to fight with the red guy on occasion.

5. The crew

OK its hard to see but this is all 7 together and the three yellow ones and the middle black ones are the ones I think are hens.

Would welcome any thoughts on this, it's a constant puzzle for me.

Thank you :)
I've circles them all with color codes. Pink for girls, blue for boys, and purple for the one I am not sure of at this stage. 1, 2, and 3 are definitely boys. 4 is the uncertain one, but I lean toward it being a female.

I've circles them all with color codes. Pink for girls, blue for boys, and purple for the one I am not sure of at this stage. 1, 2, and 3 are definitely boys. 4 is the uncertain one, but I lean toward it being a female.

View attachment 3437421
Awesome thank you. The purple one you circled is number 4. Good to know I'm on the right track, trying not to get too attached until the boys are gone as we are in town and can't keep them but I'm wanting to name the girls so I'm pleased that I'm on the right track and that we should have four hens from the seven chicks. :)
Awesome thank you. The purple one you circled is number 4. Good to know I'm on the right track, trying not to get too attached until the boys are gone as we are in town and can't keep them but I'm wanting to name the girls so I'm pleased that I'm on the right track and that we should have four hens from the seven chicks. :)
At least three hens, yes. #4 is a wild card. The comb is small and pale, but the coloring is splotchy and the legs are a little bit thicker. It could go either way but I hope it is a female. If it remains unclear in a couple of weeks, post again.
IMO 4 is a pullet. Neither extra toes or spurs mean cockerel. At this age they won't have anything more than spur buds.

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