Ideas on what killed my hen?


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
Tallahassee Fl
I got home late the other day and it was already dark and I walk in my coop to see a decapitated hen torn up. All my other babies were scared to death, and I don't know what killed her, mabe a hawk or ratcoon? It looks like her insides were picked out there are many hawks in the area but I didn't think they would go in my coop?

Sorry about the grainy photo it's all I got cause I put the dead hen under a turned over wheelbarrow to bury in the morning but something dug her out.
Any ideas on who the culprit is?
Here in florida there are minks but they are not common at all
I wish I knew when it happened because I was gone all day up in till around 9pm
The head wasn't eaten it was just sitting by the body
There is always a possibility of a hawk, as they have been reported to follow chooks into a coop, but it is more likely a different predator. If it happened after dark, I'd say not a hawk. Also, hawks stand on their prey and rip it apart, so most of their leftovers show signs of that. I'd be looking for a furry, 4 footed culprit, JMO... sorry for your loss and good luck
Alright well I will have to be more mindfully since there is a preditor in the area.
Thanks to all who helped
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