Ideas to move extra boys?


Feb 11, 2018
Costa Mesa, CA (Southern/Coastal)
I’m a backyard Coturnix hobbyist and of course I have no problem selling my hens the second I can feather sex them. But the boys... I have so many. I know I know... they are tasty, cull and freezer them. Trouble is, I don’t really have the space to keep them until they are mature enough to freezer. I make good side cash selling the girls and dont want to stop hatching.

Any ideas on who or what kinds of places might buy the young males? I’ve reached out to all the reptile stores in the area thinking they may buy them cheap for snakes.

Does anyone have any other creative ideas?

If the pet stores won’t buy them you could try reaching out to reptile groups on Facebook; you could probably find people who would take them. Not many snakes eat birds as a staple in captivity (mice/rats are so easy to breed) but a stubborn snake on a hunger strike is usually willing to eat a bird. Plus some large monitors/tegus will eat them. I just prepped my two roos for a friend who keeps pythons as my snakes are too small to eat them. I waited 2 weeks after they finished medicated feed, kept them feathered after death, and have them in a deep freeze for a week to kill off any parasites.
We have 2 monthly poultry swaps here. I sold an extra rooster yesterday. You may have such a swap near you....
Get ahold of local sportsman's clubs and bird dog enthusiasts clubs. Bird dogs are easily trained using quail. I've already had someone interested & I've had mine for only 2 weeks!
A breeder I know mentioned that they sell their males to people who feed their dogs a raw diet...apparently it’s a thing with its own fb groups, etc.

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