identify ..plz.

well i had to put my magpie down lastnight .
his infection or what ever got worse and there was no way to save his i put him dwn so he wouldnt b in anymore pain..
Hmmmm, I know that mallards only have one stripe over their eyes and rouens have two. I don't know if that qualifies as a second stripe or not :/
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Well one is slightly larger then the other, but they both are no larger then 3 or 3 1/2 inches. I just figured they where a male and female size difference, with this I am guessing I might have one of each. I know the smaller one is more skittish and has all black feet, where the larger of the two is rather calm has pale spots on his/her feet and enjoys a nice neck rub. They both have black top bills with fleshy pink under bills, and brown eyes. Hehe I think I've spent too much time playing with them, I know more about their body's than my fiance's.
Anyone have any ideas what this little girl is? I'm thinking snowy mallard. She's two weeks old and I'm too impatient to wait for feathering. =D

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