Identify that poop!


6 Years
Oct 21, 2013
Raleigh, NC
I had one chicken get carted off last week - dragged up the side of the enclosure and taken just a few feet away and not much was missing. We assumed raccoon.

We have chicken wire on top of the entire coop although there is a skinny space where the door opens that can allow predators to get in. This morning, I went to feed my chickies and there was a huge pile of poop on the door. Here's a couple of pictures - it's unlike any I have ever seen (thinking bird?). Please help me identify so we can find a better way to keep our chickens safe!

Certainly looks like bird poop - great horned owl? hawk? If you have wire over the top of your coop, the girls should be ok, but if you free-range them, you might want to keep a very close eye on them, Sue
Certainly looks like bird poop - great horned owl? hawk? If you have wire over the top of your coop, the girls should be ok, but if you free-range them, you might want to keep a very close eye on them, Sue
So, I got a great laugh out of the fact that I found out what "giant bird" pooped on my coop door... drum roll... it was my three new Silver Grey Dorkings that hadn't quite figured out they should sleep in the hen house yet. I went to check on them last night and could not find them anywhere. Finally, as I went to go inside the coop to double check their whereabouts, I saw all three ladies roosting on the door (had to be the most uncomfortable sleep ever). I picked them up one by one and placed them into the hen house. Hopefully they will recognize that's going to be their new sleeping place from now on. Silly chickies.
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