If a hawk was raised with a chicken...


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2016
If hawks were raised with chickens, would they get along? Or would the hunting instinct take the hawk over?
This might stray a bit OT, but this thread is reminding me of a couple of books. Anyone ever read Gifts of an Eagle or The Killers? I forget who wrote the first one but he wrote of his father`s golden eagle. At one point as a sort of experiment his father gave her a goose egg to hatch. Can`t remember if she was going broody with no mate or what but he gave her the closest substitute I guess (for size and sturdiness?) and she hatched the egg. They helped bridge the gap by making sure it got the right food etc, but she cared for it and it grew up fine. The eagle used to fly around their place, and would dive bomb the big flock of geese. When the goose was turned out with the rest of the geese, the eagle knew which was "hers" and would come swooping down. Her goose would tear off panicking with the others, but she would drop down right next to it.

Very different from being raised together but interesting that at least in that instance the predator could suspend her instinctive drive to kill the prey animal that was "hers".

Hmm. I`m thinking that if a chick was a few days old when the hawk joined the family, and the hawk was fresh-hatched, the chick would probably pick at it until it killed it eventually (like in a day or two). But if the hawk was a little older it could go the other way. Unless the chicken could get away from it. Can`t see them snuggling together unless they were being brooded and couldn`t tell who else was under Mama in the dark. Okay, the whole idea is way too dysfunctional family I think.

Interesting point to ponder though, especially when there are so many examples of strange/unlikely animal friendships.
If hawks were raised with chickens, would they get along? Or would the hunting instinct take the hawk over?

Interesting thought. If the hawks were newly hatched and the eyes still closed and then raised with chickens, I think it would imprint on the chickens and not view them as food. Have you ever asked this question online? I will now; inquiring mind want to know.

So I typed in the question and...your post came up.
Interesting thought. If the hawks were newly hatched and the eyes still closed and then raised with chickens, I think it would imprint on the chickens and not view them as food. Have you ever asked this question online? I will now; inquiring mind want to know.

So I typed in the question and...your post came up.

That's what I was thinking as well but couldn't find an answer. Too funny
My opinion is, if a hawk was raised with a chicken, instinct would eventually kick in, it would realize it was a hawk and eat the chicken.

x2 (I wouldn't want to experiment with it just to find out.)

I think instinct would win out.
If memory serves me correctly Timmy tried that on "Lassie" once and grandpa's best layer got nailed.

No wonder Timmy was always in trouble. Good thing Lassie was there to bail him out every time!

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