If I stare hard enough I can see rocks move...

Christie Rhae

9 Years
Jul 5, 2010
Big Island, Hawaii

seriously... I stare at my eggs in the hatcher and can swear I see them moving. No one else can but me. I think I am willing them to move. Or I have lost my mind!
LOL, you are probably really seeing them move. I thought the same thing, but the ones I thought I saw move out of the corner of my eye, were always the first ones to pip and hatch. So I think I was just focused on one egg, and seeing the other move with my peripheral vision. So I was never sure I saw it, but in retrospect think it really did. LOL!
Ok add to that... If I listen hard enough I can actually hear rocks peeping. Lol
I swear I hear faint little peeps. Then I will think "did I really hear that or did I imagine that I did?"
Lol marans colored rocks. So dark I couldn't see movement when I candled before lockdown.
These rocks if they were to hatch would be lovely solid blue marans. Sigh... Lol
Lol marans colored rocks. So dark I couldn't see movement when I candled before lockdown.
These rocks if they were to hatch would be lovely solid blue marans. Sigh... Lol

Nice!! I love blue Marans.
Guess I should have put a smiley by my previous question so you knew I was being funny! But you got it anyway.

Good luck with hatching - it sounds like there are some there just waiting to bust out. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I have a batch of blue/black ameraucana due on the 5th as well. Gonna be a long week of staring at eggs.... Why do I do this to myself? Oh yeah... Cuz I want baby chicks! Lol

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