If it's just hens will one take the role of a rooster?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
Okay now I know there's a pecking order. Will one hen take the role of a rooster in protecting the flock and leading them to safty and stuff? Or do they just get the 1st pick of stuff when there top ranked?
Some hens have been known to take on the rooster role. I've had that happen a couple of times. It just depends on the hens. I establish myself as head honcho with food and treats as well as walk them around and watch out for them so none of that in awhile
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Before I had roosters, my flock mistress and her "court" lol seemed to take turns playing the rooster role. However, that same group acknowledged me as the head rooster whenever I was out there. They would squat for me and allow me to break up squabbles, distribute treats etc. The rooster I have now is a very mild mannered Silkie so he could care less who is in charge as long as he gets to eat
I had one RIR hen that was the alpha she took on the rooster role and they also get the first pick with food or treats. When I started my first flock they were free ranged and she was the very first one I lost I found her mashed and I am assuming she was defending the flock.

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