If let out in a run during the day, will coturnix quail go back into their coop at night?


9 Years
Jun 23, 2011
I would like to get a few coturnix quail as pets. I would most likely keep them in a small coop, or rabbit hutch, where they would sleep in an enclosed section at night. Every morning I would let them out into the run. I was wondering if I would have to herd them back in their inclosed section at night, or if like chickens, they would go back in by themselves. Also, I heard that they needed one square foot per bird - is that just for the coop, or is that for their whole living space. For example I have a 2 1/2' by 3 1/2' hutch (run included in the measurements) but the actually sleeping area is 2 1/2' by 1'. I was wondering if that could only fit two or three quail, or if maybe it could fit 5.

I don't see why you couldn't fit a male and three or four females in a cgae like that. They do sometimes put themselves to bed, sometimes they try to stay outside in the run on a warm night - but I started to always lock them in the coop at night because foxes would come at night and rip their legs off through the mesh of the run.
I don't see why you couldn't fit a male and three or four females in a cgae like that. They do sometimes put themselves to bed, sometimes they try to stay outside in the run on a warm night - but I started to always lock them in the coop at night because foxes would come at night and rip their legs off through the mesh of the run.

So would it be best to purchase a cage that is easy to get them back in the enclosure? As in, don't make a run I can't get in....

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