If one egg broke under a broody, will the rest be okay?


Jan 27, 2022
This is day 1. I gave the eggs to the broody a few hours ago. The nest didn't have enough bedding which I assume is why one egg broke. I put in new bedding but some of the eggs got yolk all over them. They're dry now, a bit sticky. I'm just wondering if I can leave them for the next 21 days or should I disinfect them now?
In my experiences a broken egg leads to a smelly nest as bacteria ends up growing on the remaining eggs and usually ends up killing them.
So is it worth trying to clean/disinfect the remaining eggs or do they have no hope anymore?
I've never tried beyond dry wiping because of fear of making things worse. Leaving them never worked for me personally. So either try cleaning them or start over if you have more eggs since it's day 1.
Are they special eggs? Do you have easy access to more fertile eggs? Not a big deal to start over unless you really are hoping for the chicks from the original eggs.
Are they special eggs? Do you have easy access to more fertile eggs? Not a big deal to start over unless you really are hoping for the chicks from the original eggs.
I have 3 under her that aren't from my chickens and I was wondering if they'd hatch and what would hatch out of them. About 2 eggs were clean, the 3 eggs I tried gently cleaning and the rest I replaced. If the ones that got the yolk on them won't develop, I'll take them away when I'm sure there's no point in leaving them any longer.
Little update. The nest looks fine. The eggs I carefully washed/disinfected with potassium permanganate look fine too. One is definitely developing and the other two have darker shells so I don't know what's going on in those yet.

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