If you had to choose one ... ??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 23, 2014
Just out of curiosity ....

If you were to choose a single heritage breed, which would you choose and why?
I think right now I would have to say that if I had to go to one breed it would probably have to be the rock bars. They are not the fanciest, or the funniest, but are solid, quiet workhorses. The chicks are hardy, the hens good layers of large, pretty, tasty eggs, the roosters are calm and alert but have never shown excessive aggression and they seem to handle just about any weather we have around here. They also seem smart enough to mostly avoid the dangers that some of my other breeds have been oblivious too (ie don't fly into the dog pen).

That being said I am totally enthralled with the Dorkings right now and if they live up to their reputation they may eventually win me over but I have had Rock bars for years and Dorkings for just weeks.

I have had other breeds (orphingtons, RIR, silkies, and many more) but it is the rock bars who quietly act as the foundation of my flock.

What was supposed to be my Marans girls turned out to be boys so I can't really say. Altogether, I have RIRs, EEs, BRs, Brahmas, 1 BO, 1 Polish, 1 Dutch leghorn, and the Marans. My Marans boys are by far the best all around. Superb leader, gentleman, flock protector, food finder, hawk watcher, crow teaching, gentle and proper with the ladies but will also eat right out of your hand softer than any of the others. Very careful to be tender. Demands respect although he's not the biggest roo. Complete confidence in being a wild chicken but smart enough to be tamed too. The younger marans, (5th roo from the top in the order) although only recently discovered as a roo, has the same personality and all of the beginning traits as the top roo. Just the most perfect of roos. I can only imagine what the ladies would be like.
I loved the marans rooster, but the hens spent a lot of their time causing all kinds of disruption amongst the girls.

True heritage birds, Barred Rocks, hands down. Look at this guy (from Fred's Hen's post, not my bird by any means) and if you have to ask why Rocks, you just don't get it.

Non-heritage birds, I'd probably go with Easter eggers. I love visual variety and they'd give me that in both the flock and the egg basket.

True heritage birds, Barred Rocks, hands down. Look at this guy (from Fred's Hen's post, not my bird by any means) and if you have to ask why Rocks, you just don't get it.

Non-heritage birds, I'd probably go with Easter eggers. I love visual variety and they'd give me that in both the flock and the egg basket.

That's a handsome bird!! I currently have a BR roo and 4 hens... although I dont think that my birds bars are nearly as tight as this guys.
I'm so thankful that I'm not faced with that impossible decision. That's like giving a kid $1 to spend on penny candy, and telling him he can only choose 1 kind! But, if I had to choose, I think it would be Dominique. Their egg size is not impressive, and the hatchery chicks that I've had have started out being rather fragile to get started. But, I just love their personality. And I think they are awesome for a bird that ranges well, and is friendly.
I love the penny candy illusion, cause that is so me.

I thought I would love the dominiques, but didn't. Sometimes you don't. Didn't think I would like the EE, but did. Go figure. I love my old yellow as butter BO. Great chicken, great mother...... getting some age on her, so need to add fresh, but a whole flock.....hmmm.

Personally I am finding out that so far, I don't have a committed favorite as in I would like my whole flock to be.....

This summer I am adding Buckeye's, Wyandottes and BO...... to my flock. I like a little variety.

This is such a fascinating hobby...... I am still enjoying it immensely.

Mrs K
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