If you have chickens and ducks, I need your help :)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 9, 2013
Hello! I currently have 7 chickens, mostly barnyard mixes of all shapes and colors. I'm obsessed with them. My oldest pullet is 11 mos. and my 2 youngest are 6 mos. All of them are laying now, even through our New England winter, except for one of my 6 month olds (who's not the brightest chicken, in the sweetest way) and one of my 8 month olds that has a crossbite. She is a very happy girl and spoiled rotten-we make her a personal bowl of feed mixed with warm water to "mash" it up every morning, but she will most likely never be healthy enough to lay. I cannot bear the thought of culling her-she is the most affectionate and grateful girl I have!
I'm ready to extend my flock this Spring, and have ordered 3 Cayuga ducklings, 2 female and 1 male for early April delivery from Metzer Farms. It was a lot of time and patience introducing our current flock to each other since they were all spaced around 1-2 months apart (we kept getting roos, after raising them and loving them, we'd have to trade them back to the farm and would get baby chicks in return), and I am hoping introducing ducklings will be much easier.
Am I wrong? Do I keep my ducks separate til they're big enough, or should I keep them separate permanently? Is there an introduction period as with chickens? Was I right to order 2 females and 1 male? I was under the impression that a male was necessary to keep the females happy, and 2 females were necessary to keep the male away from trying to mate with my hens. I'm also hoping maybe my crossbite special needs hen may bond with the ducks since she's alienating herself a bit from the other hens lately...
As you can tell I have a lot of questions! I tried to give myself ample time to prepare and educate myself on ducks before their arrival in the Spring! Is there a way to put this thread out there so the right duck/chicken parents will catch it and respond?

I'm hoping everyone can live together in harmony!
Hello and welcome to BYC
I don't have any ducks, so I can't advice you, but here are some threads on the topic that you can look at:




You are also most welcome to start your own thread in the Ducks section:


I think you might enjoy this thread too, being a cross beak chicken owner:


Enjoy the site!
in the past I have had baby ducks and hen at the same time, but I was in a bit of a difrent stuation, I had borrowed a clucky hen and hached duc eggs under her. We fenced of a bit in the hens coopand put them in there with the "mom". as the hens could see them but notget at them they got used to them so when we let them out they ignored them, I think also have a hen in the caged of part helped my hens accept them, you could do the same, cage ofthe ducklings where the hens can see the all the time and put your crossbite in with them.
Thanks, everyone! I agree that penning my ducks adjacent to my chickens is the best idea. Once they get a feel for each other, I can possibly try letting them free range together and go from there. This site is fabulous!

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