If you have just started getting eggs...

I have been getting eggs from our flock of 5 for 2 weeks, I thought our EE was only laying every 3 or 4 days, till I found her stash behind some bales of hay.....6 in total! So the EE HAS been laying every day, and the 6 I found had been there 1-6 days, they are just fine, I checked them.
My 3 year old DD helped my scramble our first batch of fresh, home grown eggs this morning, along with some chocolate chip & blackberry pancakes.........YUUUUMMMMYYYYY!!!!
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It wasn't SUPER hot, normal Oregon summer, I was worried about it, but asked the knowledgeable chicken-lovers here on BYC, they said 'go for it!'
I read you can test for freshness by putting the egg in a bowl of water, if it sinks to the bottom, it's fresh, if it bobs but doesn't float, you can use it for baking, if it floats, throw it out.
The air cell gets bigger as the egg ages, so it will sink when it's fresh, and float when it's old. Ta Da!
I did this test on the hay-bale-egg-stash eggs, and they all sunk like rocks.
They don't.

They don't ................ever?

If you don't wash them, they are protected by the bloom. This keeps them from going bad for more than a month, easily. This is good ONLY if you haven't washed them, boiled the, or had a hen sitting on them for more than a few hours in an effort to hatch.

There are websites that discuss this. In other countries, they don't refrigerate their eggs. I don't know if that means they don't wash their eggs before selling them.
Even in this heat!

I had a dozen eggs that I hard-boiled. I used day-old fresh eggs, so DH didn't like them because they are hard to peel. (They say to use older eggs for that, like a few weeks, at least.) So the eggs sat in the fridge for easily a month. I finally set them on the counter to make room in the fridge for a watermelon. Forgot about the eggs. A few days later, I decided I had to do something with them, cracked on and peeled it, and there was almost no smell, ne egg-y smell at all, just the fresh smell you get from fresh eggs. After all this, they STILL hadn't begun to turn. I fed them to the roosters, and I swear I was their best friend after that.
I've read they'll keep for around 90 days unrefridgerated.
I'd keep them unwashed though. Keep the nests clean and you'll get clean eggs.
Remember store bought have probably been sitting for about a month anyway, and we buy ours off the shelf, not out of a fridge here.
I made an egg basket, which turned out very very pretty, the only problem is, I'm not getting any eggs til I get chickens, which should be soon...We'll see;)

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