If you kept only one breed...

Chickens are a gateway drug. You start with chickens next you know you have geese, ducks and quail. You’re not happy if your egg basket doesn’t look like a rainbow and you’re downloading chicken breed charts to see if you can get a splash chick. Once you’re hooked one breed is never enough. That said Barred Rocks or EE but only if there was a gum to my head.
Couldn’t have said it better 😂
Yes same here! We have one Cream Legbar and she is pretty much our pet dog 😂
They are special. We enjoy all of our birds and have had a dozen or so breeds. But the sweet nature and fun combination of blue eggs, crests, autosexing etc has easily made the cream legbars our favorites.

They can indeed be a lot like dogs. May even be better, as my mastiff and yorkie are yet to lay the first egg. :idunno
You guys are weak :p can’t even pick one breed.

For me it would definitely be d’Anvers. Not only are they just the most adorable things you ever saw in your life, they also have the best personalities I have ever encountered in a chicken. I can only describe them as terrier-like, they think they’re a lot bigger than they are. They’re great fliers, which some people like and others don’t.
Additionally, they are incredibly easy to breed, and the rose comb, beard, and clean legs makes for a bird who can easily endure Wisconsin winters.
For weather-hardiness and egg production we always get Barred Plymouth Rocks. We also get a second breed and over the years have been happy with Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons. This year we raised Cinnamon Queens along with the BPRs.

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