if you let duck hatch her own eggs

I have three ducks who have all been sitting on a huge pile of eggs. Two ducklings hatched yesterday and so far that’s all. The ducks all started sitting a few days after each other so I’m thinking they will have more hatching soon. They are in a house with an enclosed run. I put food and water in low containers for the ducklings. Is there anything else I should do? I did manage to hold the ducklings but the ducks were not happy! They didn’t bite or anything. They just quacked and flapped wings. I worried a bit because they aren’t careful when walking around - they step on the poor little babies! But they seem ok. And I really want the mamas to raise them. Should I worry?
as long as it seems shes taking care of em. dont worry about it. and yes ducks are not very fragile with the ducklings... theyll be okay

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