I'll answer your quail housing questions!


Birds are life
Apr 9, 2020
Hi, I initially had a hard time figuring how to house my quail. So, I am writing this to help anyone who as questions about housing- you can have a small hutch or a giant pen! I will get back to you within 2 days! :)
Can you post pics of your setup?
Hi, here's some pictures of my setup. I would like to note a couple of things:
1) this hutch has plenty of room for my 13 quail.
2) there is no flight pen right now because i clip my quail's feathers
3) The bottom area will be used once I hatch some quail, but right now it just serves as storage
4) 2/3 of it is exsposed to the elements, and has sand for them to dustbathe in (it keeps the smell down and you just clean it out with a kitty litter scoop. The other 1/3 is indoors and has shavings in it (don't worry the shavings are safe, I have done my research).
5) Since quail are sneaky (and crazy) this hutch is inside of a screened- in porch.
**Sorry about my username being in the middle of the picture, I always add in my username

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 5.03.47 PM.png
What a great concept, thank you. Is it possible for me to use a 5 ft x 3 ft hutch on the ground that is only 20" tall to raise any of the new world quail?The roof of the hutch is pvc coated hardware cloth.
If so how many without any major fighting?
What a great concept, thank you. Is it possible for me to use a 5 ft x 3 ft hutch on the ground that is only 20" tall to raise any of the new world quail?The roof of the hutch is pvc coated hardware cloth.
If so how many without any major fighting?
Thank you for your compliment! I think your idea would work, just make sure that none of your quail can escape. On all of my bird enclosures I have metal roofing (but I live in upstate NY:it depends on your area) I like to keep 2 females per 1 male for Northern Bobwhites. Personally, I have 9 females and 4 males (I know that I have one extra, she came for free when I bought her).
I have just discovered that I have 3 female button quail when I thought I had 5, and there is 11 males but I'm trying to get rid of some. Have any advice for putting them in groups or pairs?
I'm making them separate cages I just don't know who and how many should go together.

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