I'll be a monkey's uncle !


14 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Mid Hudson River Valley, NY
Dora was off the eggs more then she was on them...or so it seemed - one already hatched today.

Now why is it that I have used a hygrometer and thermometer and all the blessed equipment and sponges and straw tubes with dripping water and I could only hatch out about 20% and these gals can just get it done.

So another question... I interrupted my other broody (took out 2 eggs to put under another) and poor thing - she pooped all over
. Will that be a problem for the babies when they hatch sometime next week? Do I need to do a clean up or should I stop bothering mother nature and just sit back
. My problem is that I've got 4 broodies and just don't want a whole bunch more...so I'm dividing up the eggs to make everyone happy.
or so I thought

Thanks for any advice
Yeah, I hear ya on the broodies.

Wait till you see a mama outside with her newly hatched chicks in the pouring rain. You'll look back at how hard you worked to keep things nice and warm and toasty for your brooder chicks and want to kick yourself.

I would wipe up the poo as much as possible, without washing the eggs. Force the broody off to eat and while she's gone do some housecleaning.
Thanks Gritsar. Nest is clean and all is well - eggs were mostly spared from poop. And then .... yet another little hatchling appeared. These are mixed breeds - one is a wheaton/americana/marans (Davis) mixed with my BO roo(Jody). She came out of an army green olive egg. Hope she'll lay some green variation. And the newest one I can't tell just yet. I have to find the egg shell. Note: I am calling them she. I'm an optomist.

Also hatching (May 14th) the Norwegian Jaerhons (Jar hoons) for their cream colored eggs. Lots of fun here.

Thanks all.

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