Ill chicken- with no idea what could be wrong.


Aug 2, 2017
Hello. Recently, our chicken which we got around 5 years ago has been visibly ill. The thing is, we have no idea what is causing this illness or how to cure it. For the past two weeks, she has been having Diarrhoea/ a very watery substance, rarely solid at all. This lead to her having very mucky (and smelly) feathers around her vent area, as the substance would catch on her feathers. We have cleaned her feathers but it would just build up again, and up until recently we thought it was just diarrhoea- because at the point she was eating and drinking, she was fine.

However, for the past two days she has been very up and down- so much infact, we genuinely thought she was going to die. But the next day, she was a living miracle, almost back to usual- but it didnt last long. On the day she was very ill, she had the following symptoms:

-Odd neck movements.
-Lethargy (Most of the day was spent in the nestbox or in the corner of the hut.)
-Neck bone was VERY prominent, and almost felt grainy. It was sticking out a lot and clearly causing some discomfort she appeared unable to sit down.
-Little to no eating, which lead us to think it could be something to do with her digestion..
-No drinking unless physically put on her beak, when she would then drink the droplets.
-When we would pick her up, and happened to tilt her forward, orange substance would come out of her beak. So we would massage her crop, and more would come out.
-At one point (when we though she was dying), her head had drooped and she was very unresponsive, we continued to hold her and around 45 minutes later she seemed to be perking up a little.
-Her comb would flop to the side, with a blue-gray colour.
-Her tail would be down, and her body would appear larger than it is as her lower half would be so close to the ground.

We then decided to leave her overnight as the vets were closed; and see what would happen. She appeared fine the next morning, eating and drinking in little amounts and walking around by herself. Today, she is almost in the middle of the two stages listed.

Now some of the symptoms she is showing are:

-Very tired, falling asleep quite quickly and frequently.
-Despite still walking, she will stay in the same spot for quite a long period of time, and when she does walk it will be in small movements
-Not a lot of drinking, only when poured on her beak in small amounts.
-Some eating, but after around two pecks she will become in-interested, and walk away.
-Her comb is still to the side, but not as gray/blue.

Thankyou for reading this. any feedback on what could be wrong or what to do to help/cure her would be greatly appreciated.
That's odd! It almost sounds like she was in a trance or something.
I would research vent gleet (aka cloacititis or thrush) and sour crop. Sounds like sour crop(fluid from crop) goes with vent gleet(yucky bottom).
Hi @julie 69 :frow Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry your hen is sick.

Can you post some photos of her and her bum?

As suggested by @littlefarmgirl9 she may have some crop issues and vent gleet.

Crop issues can be an indication that there is an underlying condition. Internal laying/reproductive disorders, cocci and worm overload are a few conditions to consider as well. Feel her abdomen for any swelling, bloat or feeling of fluid. If you have a vet that will test a fresh poop sample for worms and cocci that would be a good idea too.

Here's more info on crop issues and treatment options:
Hi @julie 69 :frow Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry your hen is sick.

Can you post some photos of her and her bum?

As suggested by @littlefarmgirl9 she may have some crop issues and vent gleet.

Crop issues can be an indication that there is an underlying condition. Internal laying/reproductive disorders, cocci and worm overload are a few conditions to consider as well. Feel her abdomen for any swelling, bloat or feeling of fluid. If you have a vet that will test a fresh poop sample for worms and cocci that would be a good idea too.

Here's more info on crop issues and treatment options:
That's odd! It almost sounds like she was in a trance or something.
I would research vent gleet (aka cloacititis or thrush) and sour crop. Sounds like sour crop(fluid from crop) goes with vent gleet(yucky bottom).

Thankyou for the advice. we read about vent gleet and sour crop and have made an appointment with a vet in order to get advice on what to do about it, and to be 100% sure that what you suggested and sounds exactly like what she has, is what she has. Thankyou both fir your replies, without you both; we'd probably have never even got any idea of what on earth is wrong with her! Ps. today we are taking her to the vet, and before hand have washed her and her sisters bottoms which were both rather mucky. We also gave them both some natural yoghurt which was suggested on the sites we looked at!

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