Ill or..?


6 Years
Sep 15, 2013
Taunton, England
I went into the coop because I could only see 4 out of our 5 girls, and one was lying down, I THINK over some eggs, I saw a couple anyway, making low "puhpuhpuhpuh" sounds on and off, I didn't immediately think she was in danger cos I saw eggs so I thought she might be broody, but could this be something else? She puffs up whenever I come close and shifts a little too. Thanks
Oh blooming hell.The eggs aren't fertilised so I can't see any trouble here, I'll have to put a stop to that though cos I hear they stop eating and all sorts. Thanks for confirming it though, while I'm not ready to be a grandpa just yet ;) I hate the thought of them being ill.
Oh blooming hell.The eggs aren't fertilised so I can't see any trouble here, I'll have to put a stop to that though cos I hear they stop eating and all sorts. Thanks for confirming it though, while I'm not ready to be a grandpa just yet ;) I hate the thought of them being ill.

LOL. I had the same thing happen with a Light Brahma hen, and no roo. I had to cage her and isolate her in my garage for 7 days to finally break her broodiness...not easy.

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