Ill turkey... help, please!

Hi, Frosty. That's a good idea! It doesn't really seem like blackhead to me either... to be honest, when she decided she didn't want the pellets, an obstruction was my very first thought. I've looked in her mouth, felt her throat, etc. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Unless I bring her something to eat, her crop is quite empty, but I attribute that to there not being much at the moment for them to forage in the yard; it's the tail-end of the dry season here, and with the fall rains will come tons of tasty edibles. All day today she picked around the yard, picking up lots of little rocks and some of the new grass coming up. I fed her some raw (not dry) corn, chard, tomatoes, a tiny bit of bread, eggs with LOTS of hot pepper, and even a few tiny raw hot peppers. I'm afraid to say it just in case I jinx her, but she seems to be slowly getting better. Normally she's a total MONSTER about the food she likes and is very exuberant, so for her to be a little slow worries me.

Really? Not picky eaters? Boy, she's so specific about what she likes, it's not even funny! She's always been like that, too, ever since I got her at a few days old. So are her two flock-mates. After I fed her her eggs (she ate a little on her own, and I force fed her the rest), I made up some super spicy eggs for them too, just in case. I called them and they came running, looked at it like, "Are you serious?" and walked away! And, knock on wood, I don't think I've ever seen them eat something they shouldn't... What can I say? They're individuals with very specific tastes. I've got three feathered food-snobs!

Thank you very much for you input!
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i have a turkey with lime green poo. shes not her self. she droopy and only thing i can get her to eat is corn bread.. where can i get the human meds for black head for the only way i can get metrodozole is prescription.
Slimey green poo doesn't suggest blackhead to me.

If you do need to get hold of some metronidazole though, they sell it in feed and pet stores in the US - it's used to treat fish tanks so the easiest brand is "fish zole". If you really can't get hold of it this way - I couldn't - meds aren't nearly as easy to come by in the UK where I am - I told my GP that I thought I had a bit of a girlie infection
She prescribed me metronidazole - luckily, as I only have four birds, and they were barely over a kilo each at the time, one course was plenty to treat them all, with plenty left over.
really?? everyone told me that thats prolly what it was!! urg!
well ive called every place i could think of.. my sister is a vet tec and said that she could get me some but i have to make an appointmet with the vet and it would have to be a prescrip.
im pretty sure its some kinda bug or GI infection why would it be green i mean ELECTRIC GREEN!!!
hmmm well i guess i will do a little bit more looking i feel like im at a dead end
Blackhead results in sulfur yellow poo

A great natural broad spectrum antibiotic is raw garlic. If you mince it and mix it with their feed, this'll do wonders. It's actually better than using a pharmaceutical as it doesn't cause the loss of all the friendly bacteria, and it has a whole host of other health benefits too
see and that what i was thinking.. yellow not green.

i just harvast all my garlic i have like 40 heads that i was wondering what to do with

omg THANK YOU im going to be putting it in RIGHT NOW!! thanks for the advice !!!
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