Illegal to Advertise Nest Run Eggs as "Fresh" or "Local"?

...mine would get a math lesson in how much of the world population would need to die before the rest of humanity could eat locally grown organic. *Hint* Its not good for densely populated urban centers *Hint*

I am not a good person. Or not good at being a decent person. or something.
I think you are a realistic person.
Maybe you cannot say “local,” but can you say something like “Product of a Phoenix flock” (or wherever your flock is housed).

Maybe “fresh” isn’t allowed, but what if your label says the eggs were gathered during the week of, for example, October 10, 2021? That assumes you can easily track what week the eggs were gathered.

If I were buying eggs from a small producer, I’d want to know approximately how old they were because I prefer my boiled eggs to peel easily. Too fresh eggs don’t.

It may take some creative thinking to advertise within legal bounds.
I pencil the date laid on the big end of my eggs. No doubt about the freshness then! And I tell my customers I do it so they can hold them back a couple weeks for hard-boiling purposes, exactly as MTKitty pointed out. If I were to make a label, it might say something like "Healthy Eggs from Happy Hens." Still working on it, though. 🤔
"egg transportation devices"
jurassic park GIF by IFC

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