I'm a New Member from Maine!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 27, 2014
Hi everyone! I've been here on BYC on and off for years, usually anytime I would google a chicken question I would end up here. Well, I decided it was time to join

I currently have ten 3 week old chicks (5 EE, 2 SLW, 1 GLW and 2 Welsummers.) I'm beginning to think one of my SLW is a roo since his/her tail feathers are coming in very very slow. I will be sad if Penelope is a roo, because I can't have one here.

Anyway I look forward to being here! Just wanted to share a video I made the other day of my brooder, chicks and 6 year old very attentive Australian Shepherd, who I think he believes is a mama hen!

Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Cute chicks, you are going to have a pretty little flock and a very colorful egg basket, and your dog really seems mesmerized by the girls!

Welcome to BYC!

Your babies are just so adorable! Love how the dog is looking on.

Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!
Thank you all for the welcome!! Yes, I will certainly have a colorful egg basket once they all start laying. My dog, Cody, really loves having them in the house. Whenever they peep like something is wrong, he runs over to them and makes sure I follow so we can check. He loves having a job

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