I'm a newbie!


In the Brooder
Sep 16, 2015
Hi my new chicken friends! My name is Kellie and I live in Oklahoma. I have had mixed barnyard chickens for a few years just for egg production but have branched out more this year. I currently have recently added some more breeds. I started with a pair of India Blue Peacocks that surprised me with a white chick out of the 3 eggs I hatched! I was excited! Will be purchasing him or her a white mate one day in the future. Since then I have added White Leghorns, Cuckoo Marans, Golden Lakenvelders, Russian Orloffs due to their weather hardiness and winter laying ability and Croad Langshans, first and foremost because I fell in love with them when I seen what looked to be a statue move! And since, have done my research and found out not only what a wonderful breed they are but that they are a dual purpose bird with lots of white meat... that is if I ever butcher! Also on the home front I have been raising Nubian Dairy Goats for approx the last 20 years and a few head of Angus cows. I have a website which is not always updated but does show some of what I do have. lirettesnubians.com I look forward to reading, learning and meeting new friends with the same interests.
Hi Kellie and welcome to BYC. Whilst i am sure you will learn a lot, it seems that you have a lot of experience that other BYC members will benefit from which is great.

Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!

Thank you for all the nice welcomes! I'm really just starting out with my flock so the majority of them are still juveniles. I am still in the chick and growing stage with most of my breeds. I am still just learning and trying to know the standards of each one. I don't know how to post pictures yet here but do have some of my birds on my web page even though they are still chicks. I will try to update the page and get the older ones on there too for those interested in seeing them. Also I'm going to jump over and join the Oklahoma page, thanks.

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