im always tired


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 3, 2007
I was woundering if any one on here always seems tired. By tired I mean always reday to go to sleep. I seem to be tired all the time. I get enough sleep so im sure that is not the problem. Is there anything that i can do so i wont feel so tired. Also is there a mineral im your body that if to low or high it will make you tired. thanks for all the help in advanced.
I would suggest you check in with your doctor. Maybe low thyroid? Or...possibly low iron. Your doctor can probably help. Best wishes....
i am experiencing this alot too. i still feel tired after waking up. they have checked my thyroid and are doing some other blood work. i am going to a specialest later this month for my thyroid. so no you are not the only one. best of luck to you!
I experienced this as well and had my thyroid and blood checked but nothing was found. So my doctor sent me to have a sleep study done and it was found that I have sleep apnea. I was put on a breathing machine and now I am no longer tired all the time. So that is something you might want to check into as well.
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Just tonight a friend told me she had been very tired and went to the Dr. She was anemic (sp) and her heart is not working properly. So there seems to be alot of different things to cause you to feel tired and calling the doctor sounds like a very good idea. I hope he makes you feel better soon.
Its not depression im happy just tired all the time. I should probably talk to my mom about going to the doctors. I also seem to be very short fused to.
Tiredness could be physical or emotional. It's really best to go to your doctor and be checked out. Sometimes it's nothing, but better safe then sorry. Your body could be trying to tell you something. Take care of yourself.
You're worth it.
I have the same thing, being tired all the time. I talked to a friend and said he has been diagnosed with a high level on amonia in his body. I didn't know we had amonia in our bodies. I talked to my doctor and she is doing a blood test to see what my levels are because the simtoms i have are those of someone with high amonia levels. W'll see..............

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