Im back from beging ill somewhat


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
Im finaly somewhat back after passing a kidney stone
I was rushed to the hospital on sunday night do to server pain in my kidney and finally passed the kidney stone wednesday though i am still haveing the ill effects of the medication and and am very loopy and not all with it. Before i could run up stairs now it takes me forever to get up them. this is my second bout with kidney stones i had them two years ago for two weeks and was in server pain until i had surgry to remove them turns out they where stuck and cutting me, very painful. still green around the gills though
Sorry about the KS...hope you have a speedy recovery and that this will be the last one you ever have...Dixie
i pray i never get them again too
my doctor even told me two years ago when i first had them that i had some of the worst effects so that when i have kids it will be a walk in the park for me
I've had 8 kidney stones, so I feel for you.

People who've never had one can't begin to uderstand the pain.

Get well soon.
I hear you rooster-red
there is no true way to explain the pain
what where your kidney stones caused from
cant focus an anything to long or i make my self dizzy
I sure hope you feel better soon! You'll have to describe the symptoms when you are up to it. Does it start out as an ache or is it instant pain? I can't imagine how horrible that must feel.
okay i will try and tell you some of the symtoms
it starts off as a intence pain like some one is stabbing you constantly from the inside with a knife then i would start to throwing up and also lost feeling in my hands i could see that i was moving my hands but couldn't feel it then even though i was not cold i couldn't stop shivering also i had to keep rotating and would get on the ground to try and easy the pain which didn't work. followed my any other ill effects from having them long term and medication. wich i will try and explane latter
thanks for your support

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