I'm big and yellow and striped. What am I?

Four Acre Bliss

11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
This is the bully chicken I mentioned in a couple of threads on the baby chicks forum. She (or he) looks very different from the others ... we have Speckled Sussex and Easter Eggers, and both are brown -- the Sussex, oddly enough, look much more chipmunk-y than the EEs. The EEs have brownish green legs and the Sussex are pink, right? This one has pink legs but is yellow in color (more like the one Buff Orpington we have) and with black stripes instead of brown. She (or he) is also much bigger than all of the other chicks. She really stands out!

Thoughts? Guesses?




Just another (bigger, oddly colored) Speckled Sussex? Or something else?
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That looks like an Americauna to me. I had two the same color. One turned out to be a Wheaton-like color, the other a Blue Wheaton. The light colored Americaunas tend to be pink-legged as chicks and they later develop the green-gray legs.
So, either a Red Something or an EE -- I hope it's an EE! It would make sense, because that's what I ordered, I'm just surprised one would look so different from the rest.
I noticed also that her wing is shaped differently than the others -- looking at pics on Poultry Site, could she be a Phoenix or Golden Duckwing OEG? McMurray sells Phoenix, not sure about the other ...

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