
12 Years
Jan 18, 2009
Venice, Florida
I have given it my best shot, but I'm all done with quails. I'm sick of scalped birds, I'm tired of the mess they make, they are just way more trouble than they are worth. I will stick to my chickens, who by the way are not only paying their own kepp but turning a bit of a profit now. They are a joy to have and raise. Quail on the other hand.....
I would say that I am going to butcher them and eat them, but as much trouble as I have had with them, I would probably get sick or something. Bah Humbug!

I'm sorry you had such a bad run with them
my goodness, what kind do you have, how many? My five bobwhites (1 hen laying eggs, 4 tweenies just scurrying around being cute) are a blast. Sorry its been such a pain for you.
I agree with you about chickens, nothing beats them.
Sorry to hear quail were rough for you. Gamebirds aren't for everyone. But I find them more fun and easier to me than chickens.
I agree game birds are awesome (esp my coturnix)
You just didn't find a niche that worked with them. scalpings is either a ratio problem, or you needed to remove some aggressive birds (aka freezer camp). Mess.... you needed to find a way that they couldnt make a mess
Its very simple but if you dont have the time to sit and watch them and see what works i could deffiantly see how it could get frusterating. I personally think coturnix are for everyone... and i bet that they are hte birds you had the problems with... but i gaurrentee you if you ddi some things to omit the issues you'd have had better luck
I think the thing that made up my mind was the fact that in two of our "families" the males just lost it. They are in huge cages, 1 male to 3 females. One cage had been togather 3 months and the other 4 months without so much as a feather ruffled. Last week I came home and found two of my beautiful tuxedos ravaged. This week in the other cage, the same thing. These are established colonies. They have been laying for over 3 months. In our jumbo cage the male has always been aggressive but lately he is just insane. They have lots of room, lots of hay to play in, tons of food including worms, and fresh water constantly. They are in the shade all day and their cages have plenty of ventilation. For several months we were getting an egg every day from the females and averaging about a 90% hatch rate. We never put the new babies within range of the adults so they wouldn't stress because of environment change. They just seem to have lost it. I have one more clutch of eggs to hatch and then I'm done. I will build a couple more tractors and concentrate on Cochins.

Doug Sorry To Hear Of Your Troubles, But As A Fellow Floridian And Coturnix Keeper I Think All Our Birds Are "crazy From The Heat" To Quote An Old Van Halen Song.... Your Not Alone In This--- If You Do Decide To Keep Trying I'd Recommend Vit C In The Water And A Few More Ladies Per Roo. Good Luck My Friend!
I've had the best luck with a minimum of 4 females to a male and preferably 5 so the females get more of a break.

Sorry to hear you've have problems but stick to what makes you happy.


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