I'm from Florida wanting to move to Va.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
West Palm Beach Florida
Hi there

Wanting to move to Virginia can anyone tell me where I can go with chickens in any area in a low income, can't find a realtor that will give me good information they keep telling me that you have to have lots of money to move on a farm area.

If anyone can help that would be wonderful ,
Hi Pam

i am in Florida as well-
I don't know about Virginia, but there are areas everywhere in country zones where there are places where you don't need a ton of money to live. Where I live in my area is out in the country- farms all around us, but many people that live here close have low/fixed income, not living on farms per se. Maybe try asking your question to them with different wording.......maybe something like-

I am looking for a place with cheap rent that is in a zone where I can have chickens, what do you have available?

Good luck! If you end up moving, hope you have a great experience!!
have a great day!!
I think you will have to get your entire flock tested to move to virginia. They are very strict on chickens. Look into the laws, you may have to rehome and start over.

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