I'm getting a puppy!!!


8 Years
Mar 16, 2011
NE Texas
I am so excited. We have been talking about getting a small breed dog for awhile now and just the right one had not came along. I was looking around on craigslist as usual (I live on craigslist and BYC) and came across the ad. I feel in love instantly. This lady has her now used to raise and show Shih Tzus and a friend was going through a divorce and had a litter of "oops" puppies. She was going to keep this little girl but ended up not being able to. The lady agreed to take her and find her a home. She is a tiny little Chihuahua Yorkie mix and an absolute DOLL. She is only 6 weeks old so the lady wants to keep her for a couple more weeks to make sure she is eating good on her own and all and get her started on her shots and wormings, which is fine with me...I am actually glad for it. Her parents average about 5 lbs each but I am not sure she will even get that big. She is TINY. And boy does she have a personality. I cannot wait to bring her home.

Pictures aren't the best as all I had was a camera phone when I went to meet her this evening. Any name ideas? We usually name our animals people names (as you can see by my signature).






I think her ears are in the process of going up. I hope so. I love up ears. But if not I think she will be adorable either way.

Two weeks seems so far away!
Talk about TINY oh my goodness. You will need to be concerned with health problems with her being so small. "Teacup" dogs tend to be very expensive for their owners. But at least she was not purposefully bred to be that way, just a little girl.
Yes, I have a good vet with a lot of expirence with very small dogs, so anything that crops up can hopefully be resolved pretty quickly. I am told both her parents are from good breeders who do health testing and all of that good stuff on their dogs, so hopefully their lines are free from most genetic defects. Both of the parent dogs are on a spay/neuter contract so I am not real sure how that is going to work out for the woman who owns them. I guess since it is not a registerable litter the breeder's of the parent dogs will never know she had the litter. Not sure how she has gotten away with not showing proof of having them fixed yet though. Apparently both parents were pretty young when they bred. That could contribute to part of the puppy's size. She is not the smallest in the litter though, which is a good thing...so isn't a runt.
She is adorable!! One of my chihuahuas is 3 pounds. When she was a puppy she was very prone to bouts of hypoglycemia. Learn the signs of that beginning so you can head it off at the pass. If you don't catch it fast enough, they can slip into a coma pretty easily. Lucy went into a coma 3 times. VERY scary!!! Their bodies are so small they don't have any energy reserves in them so you will want to avoid heavy exercise, no long walks and food available all the time. After she turned 6 or 9 months, she never had another attack though and is a perfectly healthy adult now. Just remember with these little ones, when they get sick, they go down fast so stay on top of everything.

This is Lucy, in her custom no-expense-spared bed.

Yup, we know all about Hypoglycemia in tiny puppies. She will have access to food 24/7 while she is still young. That is part of the reason I agreed to let the lady keep her for a couple more weeks...she has more experience with small puppies than we do and she is home all day to make sure she is eating good. We had a chihuahua when I was growing up that was even smaller than her when my dad brought him home. He had a lot of issues with getting sick from not eating enough when we first got him. He never went into a coma thankfully, but you could tell when his blood sugar was low. We had to hand feed him canned food to get him to eat. Luckily he grew out of it and lived to be an old man with no further complications.

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