I'm Hatching a Devious Plan!

We're going to be in chicken heaven around here - our neighbor just over the side fence is getting chickens too.

so if you are in 4H can you have as many chickens as you want?

I dont think we have to worry about having chickens, even though I can see our nighbors front door from my back door. They dont seem to mind the chickens cuz I dont mind their dogs. btw, my boy is in 4H also.
well, we only wanted 5 chickens, I mean who needs all those eggs?? A friend said if you get five, three will die before they lay due to predators, illness, who knows what. So, we thought we'd order 8 but couldn't decide on which kinds.... Decided on 6 EE's and 4 Black Stars -now up to 10. We ordered with three other families for 50 chicks total, and separating them out was craziness. I took home the 6 EE's and 4 black ones w/o feathered feet or the fifth toe, but never got the right ones. Finally, we ended up with 3 black star and, oops, a Jersey Giant roo. Then we got an extra one, a BLRW (nother roo). Then recently my husband's co-worker had to get rid of her 5 year old birds.... and we most likely will be taking 2 polish that need a new home in a few weeks.... they just keep adding up! At 15 (17 soon) with a 10x10 coop (which I am pretty sure is unlicensed for our residential property), we can fit a few more, huh?? Don't count on only 4, lol, they keep adding up!
Go with the plan! You found the wonderful loop hole in law we all try to find everyday!

Now my issue may be coming but I'm not sure yet. Another town is trying to Annex our neighborhood... and if they get their way, I may have to adapt to their laws, unless I can grandfather in and keep my chickens. I think I'm within their limits now, but I must quickly increase my flock before voting time. Otherwise, my 5 silkies may be it!

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