Im having a serious issue with my Gosling


Apr 30, 2015
Hi, I recently got two day old Buff Goslings, one of which has a problem which I have no cluw whats going on. Hoping someone has some ideas here and sorry if im in the wrong category.

One gosling is perfect, follows me everywhere, no issues.

The second goose began week one very healthy and very fat.
Week two, he stated walking toe in on both feet. Still ok but is clumbsy.
Week three, got very clumsy, falls a lot and does like to move around.
week 3.6, I brought both goose to lake for a swim (first time.) Both geese had a blast, normal goose came out when wet and the fat goose couldn't walk or stand, and had to be rescued after the swim.
Fat goose appears to be very healthy. He's eating fowl starter and unlimited kale and grass. Seems perfectly content. But he wont stand or walk anymore. Been 2 days now.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Im headed to get some brewers yeast/Niacin this afternoon in case that is the issue.

Thanks in advance and Ill be watching this thread.

I'm not an expert by far and I've had one goose in my whole lifetime but I know from having ducks that Niacin deficiency is the number one issue with mobility so adding the brewers yeast is a very good step. Also I would do warm water therapy with supervised swimming in the bathtub and also maybe some soaks in warm water and epsom salts. Just don't let the gosling drink the water with the epsom salts in it as it causes diarrhea. Good luck!
And I don't know what part of the country your in or if your even in the USA but with the Avian flu in some parts of the US I don't think I'd be taking my goslings any where where wild birds are. I agree with DucksAndGardens the #1 problem in water fowl with leg issues is niacin dif so putting them on Brewers yeast is a good idea. 1 Tab to 1 cup of feed daily till 10 weeks old
FL, no Flu here. 90 and sunny!
Doesn't matter if it's 90 and sunny if you have wild water fowl or wild birds it is a good idea to keep your babies safe at home till they get the avian flu under control. Even walking at a lake or park where wild geese or ducks or other wild avians are can be dangerous. Kiddy pools are nice for our domestic water fowl to play in. Just make sure to give them a safe way to get in an out. We're in NC no flu here yet but we do have Canada geese and wild ducks that frequent our river . It's called Bio security.
Hi, I recently got two day old Buff Goslings, one of which has a problem which I have no cluw whats going on. Hoping someone has some ideas here and sorry if im in the wrong category.

One gosling is perfect, follows me everywhere, no issues.

The second goose began week one very healthy and very fat.
Week two, he stated walking toe in on both feet. Still ok but is clumbsy.
Week three, got very clumsy, falls a lot and does like to move around.
week 3.6, I brought both goose to lake for a swim (first time.) Both geese had a blast, normal goose came out when wet and the fat goose couldn't walk or stand, and had to be rescued after the swim.
Fat goose appears to be very healthy. He's eating fowl starter and unlimited kale and grass. Seems perfectly content. But he wont stand or walk anymore. Been 2 days now.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Im headed to get some brewers yeast/Niacin this afternoon in case that is the issue.

Thanks in advance and Ill be watching this thread.

Sounds like exactly what I had with Cas. He was walking somewhat like a "drunk" person, would fall back on his hocks after a few steps, wobbly, and toes would curl under. I got a vitamin supplement for his water with Niacin in it, and now it's been 4 (maybe 5?) days, and he's walking tall and strong again. I'm no expert by far, but from what I've read here and experienced with my own gosling, sounds like it could be a Niacin issue.

Question though since you mentioned he's eating kale and you have him on chick grit too? If they're on anything more than their starter they need the grit to break down other foods.

Good luck and keep us posted! :)
Sounds like exactly what I had with Cas. He was walking somewhat like a "drunk" person, would fall back on his hocks after a few steps, wobbly, and toes would curl under. I got a vitamin supplement for his water with Niacin in it, and now it's been 4 (maybe 5?) days, and he's walking tall and strong again. I'm no expert by far, but from what I've read here and experienced with my own gosling, sounds like it could be a Niacin issue.

Question though since you mentioned he's eating kale and you have him on chick grit too? If they're on anything more than their starter they need the grit to break down other foods.

Good luck and keep us posted! :)

Its been a few days now on Niacin and Brewers yeast, and my gosling is walking and standing to eat and drink again. He's not perfect and is only moving a few feet each time, but im hoping he becomes more normal again. Ill keep my posts going with updates, since it seems a few other people are having these issues.

Thanks for everyone's help. DK

PS--They are on starter and free range.
My incubators are not working right and I had gosling hatch with wry neck. They are either too hot or too cool and it messes with their development. I was told to do the niacin and yeast and some other stuff but the thing that has worked best is Red Cell. It is like a super vitamin liquid. The gosling is not all better but I am still giving it Red Cell in it's water. I also had another gosling hatch that couldn't get up on it's feet and after I started giving it Red Cell and letting it swim until the warm water started to cool, it was able to get up on it's feet but was pigeon toed. Now, it is walking around just like the other water fowl babies. If it wasn't the smallest in the bunch, I wouldn't know which one it was. I used an eye dropper to dribble the Red Cell into their mouths. I was told to let the older gosling swim too but the neck was so twisted that it couldn't hold it's head out of the water. Now, that it is getting close to a month old, it can hold it's head out of the water but while I am watching I am worried that when it ducks it's head that it might get tired so I put it in and take it out of the water.

Red Cell is found in the horse supplies and as far as I can tell, only in one gallon jugs. We paid about $17 for it at Orchelin's.
My incubators are not working right and I had gosling hatch with wry neck. They are either too hot or too cool and it messes with their development. I was told to do the niacin and yeast and some other stuff but the thing that has worked best is Red Cell. It is like a super vitamin liquid. The gosling is not all better but I am still giving it Red Cell in it's water. I also had another gosling hatch that couldn't get up on it's feet and after I started giving it Red Cell and letting it swim until the warm water started to cool, it was able to get up on it's feet but was pigeon toed. Now, it is walking around just like the other water fowl babies. If it wasn't the smallest in the bunch, I wouldn't know which one it was. I used an eye dropper to dribble the Red Cell into their mouths. I was told to let the older gosling swim too but the neck was so twisted that it couldn't hold it's head out of the water. Now, that it is getting close to a month old, it can hold it's head out of the water but while I am watching I am worried that when it ducks it's head that it might get tired so I put it in and take it out of the water.

Red Cell is found in the horse supplies and as far as I can tell, only in one gallon jugs. We paid about $17 for it at Orchelin's.
Thanks for the info what all is in Red Cell?

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