I'm just curious, how many vegans are there on this site?

You have to be careful when watching videos of thos NONAME people. They really do publish the extreme. The situation we had out here in CA last year in Chino was just the worst thing I had ever seen and that is what made me look into different farms and how their policies are with their animals. Harris ranch is one that maintains a policy of checking an animals health every single day. They treat any sick animals, not kill them. That is why I will their products over others.
I wouldn't use that certain organization's videos as a way to judge how anyone does things. Most of them have no clue either. Just because a farm or dairy is large doesn't mean the animals are mistreated. If the animals aren't taken care of well they aren't going to be in business very long.

We are a family farm, but we don't sell our meat directly to the consumer, so does that make us a factory farm? We raise our cows' calves till 9-12 months of age. Then we sell them and they go into a feedlot where they are fed until they are market weight and then they are butchered.

I know abuses take place, but that is not the norm even tho certain groups would like you to believe it is.

I think a major part of the problem is that too many people put human attributes onto their animals. Animals aren't human!! That wasn't an issue when people still raised their own meat.
Yeah those noname people are almost an uninformed extremist cult in my opinion...

They use those extreme videos to prey on ignorant people who know nothing better than what they've seen on those videos. If every animal was treated the way they are portrayed on those videos, you couldn't drive down the road and see a heard of cattle quietly grazing, and you certainly couldn't keep your birds in your back yard.....

And any farm producing food animals, HAS to be up to par. If those animals aren't kept up, they'd be shut down.
Hi Chris! I think if we all do some research, we will make informed decisions. As an example, I have found that there are no chicken batteries that do not file beaks. Hence, I eat only farm eggs. There is one dairy that actually advertises free range chicken eggs - but the beaks are filed! How does that make sense?
That's actually a huge relief. i cried for days after watching some of those videos. It's logical to assume there are farms out there who treat their animals well. i suppose it's the negative that gets the most press.

i realize that animals are animals, but find it hard not to anthropomorphize them, especially when they're my own, and they have names, and i buy them halloween costumes.
What's worse, beaks being filed, or allowing them to peck each other to death? Which is exactly why the beaks are filed to begin with. Without it cannabalism would run ramid throughout a flock with such a large number of birds.
airheart43 wrote:
i have to admit i haven't actually been on one. EDITED BY STAFF TO REMOVE REFERENCES TO EXTREMIST WEBSITES) i've driven past the huge cow farms driving up the center of California. You have to hold your nose for miles.

i am open to be educated. i don't want to be spouting off here when i don't know what i'm talking about.

airheart, I know exactly what you mean about the horrible stench of the dairy farms here in California. For the life of me, I can't figure out what regulations CA put on those poor dairy farmers to make their operations stink so bad. I grew up around dairy farms in AZ and I can guarentee you, the cow smell here in CA is abnormal, the normal dairy doesn't smell bad at all!
Staying on topic, I'm not vegan or vegetarian.​
Its sensationalism at its best. Just like the 6 o'clock news, what brings in viewers more, the video of the little old lady's playing bridge at the senior citizens center, or the high speed car chase that ends with an explosive crash?

If anyone thinks that farm animals are treated badly, especially when they are the farmers livelihood, I challenge you to visit a farm, or something like the County Stock Show. Those animals are fed the utmost best feed, they get the best nutritionary supplements, and most of their facilities are kept in prestine condition. Yes they are animals meant for food, but farmers treat them with respect.
I'm an omnivore and I love to eat everything. Beef, pork, venison, buffalo, fish, eggs, poultry, all dairy products, and every fruit and vegetable I can get my hands on. I hunt and fish alot and process my own meat, make my own sausage. I raise a garden and freeze and can lots of fruits and vegetables. But in spite of all that I still must go to the grocery store. It's impossible for me to produce everything I consume. I need farmers. The world needs farmers and they need to make a living. To do so they must be cost effective. Not trying to justify the "factory farms" but how would you suggest we get affordable food to all the people in the world. No farmer, including the "factory farmer" is deliberately cruel, they just try to produce a product as quickly and efficiently as possible and still make a living. Before we throw a blanket indictment on the entire industry we need to come up with a workable solution.
Katy I wish you would go back and read my post again. You took it all wrong. I was talking about commercial not private. I know alot of people that raise cattle, rabbits. chickens for food and have no prob with it. I know their animals are cared for and treated right. it is the ones in it on a big time basis and i know you have heard the horror stories on some of these. As far as me being a vegetarian it is by choice because I cant get it past my throat. Its me no put down to you or anyone else and I never said you could kill or sell meat and not be a animal lover. Sorry if you took me wrong didnt mean it the way you took it

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