I'm just curious --


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
Oakland, CA
When do chicks go from peeping to the bk bk bk bkaaww kind of calls? When they're teenagers?
Seems like mine do it around 10 weeks or so? I never really made note of it, but yes, it was the teenage stage.
Mine changed at various times last year. I believe the first ones were around 12 weeks. It was funny the first time one of them made a different sound. I happened to be near the run and saw it. The chick that made the noise start looking around looking very confused. All of the other chicks froze and looked at her like they were asking "what was that?". There was a similar reaction the first time our rooster crowed.
Maybe we'll have to start a subtopic in the "First Egg" section for "First Cluck"!! I'm enjoying the peeping stage, and those little trilling sounds they make, and I know I'm going to like hearing all the clucking. I'm afraid I'm going to turn into the Weird Chicken Lady on my street...


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